The Day of Celebration

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(Legolas' POV)

I fixed the buttons on my tunic for the hundredth time, my hands shaking. I heard a chuckle behind me, and turned to find my father looking at me. He took my hands away from my collar, and he quickly, and skillfully fixed the buttons. He placed his hand on my face, and a small smile lit my lips.

"Thank you," I said softly, not able to trust my own voice.

"Do not be nervous my son," he said pushing a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. "Aragorn loves you, and you love him, there is nothing more than that. You will walk down that aisle to your soon to be husband, and everything will be perfect." I smiled at his words, knowing he was right. "Shall we?"

"We shall," I replied, straightening my tunic again. It was a light green that complimented my fair complexion. I knew Aragorn would be wearing a deep red, which suited him perfectly. I was prepared, but then I was not at all. I am more scared than I was standing before the Black Gates.

"Stop fidgeting," my father whispered as we neared the throne room. My hands stopped moving, not realizing that I was doing that. We were greeted at the doors by Elrond, who had a smile on his face. I smiled back, butterflies in my stomach.

"You look fine," Elrond smiled, getting ready to open the doors. 'You are ready for this...' I told myself. I nodded at Elrond, and he opened the doors. The amount of people astounded me. However, I held in my awe as I locked eyes with Aragorn. A smile was instantly on my face as Aragorn looked at me with loving eyes. I could not comprehend that this was happening. My father, Elrond, and I made our way down the aisle to Aragorn and Gandalf. Everyone was staring at me, and I felt nervous.

Instead of looking at the people in the crowd, I kept my eyes on my soon to be husband. I could not keep the smile off my face, and I could tell that he could not keep the smile off his face either. We reached the altar, and my hands found Aragorn's grasping them tightly. We shared a smile, and Gandalf soon started talking.

"All of you have gathered here to witness the joining of these two people, Aragorn, King of Gondor, and Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood," Gandalf said, a smile present on his face. I smiled back at him, and a mighty cry went up about the whole room. I started laughing, and Aragorn and Gandalf joined me. Gandalf put up his hands, and the room grew silent again. "I know you are all excited, but please remain calm." The room chuckled, and we all still had smiles on his face. I do not believe I have ever smiled this much before. It felt as if the entire world was lifted from my shoulders.

"I love you," Aragorn told me, squeezing my hand, causing me to look at him. I smiled looking down at our entwined hands.

"I love you," I replied, looking into his grey eyes. Gandalf cleared his throat, and we both looked at him.

"If the grooms could refrain from conversation during their ceremony, that would be ideal," Gandalf said with a serious tone. We both must have had scared expressions, because Gandalf started to chuckle.

"I apologize," I said, a slight blush on my face. Aragorn squeezed my hand again, and we proceeded with the ceremony. Gandalf had us repeat different lines, and even had a speech from my father, which was rather interesting. It felt like an eternity that passed within the blink of an eye.

"If you please, the vows," Gandalf said, glancing at us. Aragorn turned me so that we were facing each other, our hands entwined in front of us.

"I will go first," Aragorn said, a smile on his face as he looked in my blue eyes. "I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love.I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving.I promise to try to be on time.But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you.I love you." I smiled at him, sniffling slightly at his words. The entire time he spoke, he did not look away from me for a moment. The crowd "awed" at what he said, and he brought our hands to his lips and kissed the back of mine. The crowd cheered again, and Gandalf had to hold up his hands again to silence them.

"Legolas, if you please," Gandalf stated, glancing at me. I gulped slightly, nervous to talk. Gandalf gave me a reassuring look, and I smiled at him again.

"I promise to be your lover, companion and friend, Your partner in parenthood, Your ally in conflict, Your greatest fan and your toughest adversary. Your comrade in adventure, Your student and your teacher, Your consolation in disappointment, Your accomplice in mischief. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things. All things," I finished, my voice cracking slightly along the way. The crowd cheered at my words, and I could see tears glistening in the corners of Aragorn's grey eyes.

"After these vows, and exchanging of rings, I now have the honor of pronouncing these two men husbands! You may now kiss your husband," Gandalf said, gesturing for us to kiss. Aragorn pulled me close to him, lessening the gap between us. He cupped my face in his hand, bringing our lips together. The kiss was slow, yet passionate. The whole world faded away with that kiss, and I felt myself get lost. Before I knew it, Aragorn pulled away, and the cheers of the crowd came back to me.

"I love you," Aragorn whispered for who knows how many times that day.

"I love you too," I replied, pecking his lips softly, before turning to face the crowd again. Everyone was on their feet, cheering for the new husbands.

"It is my pleasure to present to you all, the Kings of Gondor!" Gandalf exclaimed, gesturing high with his hands. Everyone screamed, throwing flowers, and just celebrating. Aragorn still had a strong grip on my hand, yet I did not mind, since it was my husband who was holding it. I glanced at him, a permanent smile on my face that I believed would never fade away. He smiled back at me, stealing another kiss before looking back at the crowd. 'I am finally home.' 


Author's Note,

Wow guys... I am awful at updating this story... It has almost been a year since I started this story, and I believed that I would be done with it by now. I apologize for being an awful writer, and I hope you all forgive me. Thank you for staying for this journey. It means so much! The reason I was not posting is because of college, the past semester has been stressful, and I did a lot of things I should not have. I know... Excuses, excuses... There will probably only be one more part after this, and then this story will be finished. It's crazy to think that I decided to write this story. So much has happened. 


I thank you all again! 

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