I Love You

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(Legolas POV)

Aragorn was at my side the entire time I was in the hospital with my wound. Gandalf told him I was going to be alright, but still he stayed. He kept telling me that he wanted to stay with me.

"I do not want to lose you again," He would say as he held onto my hand. It would alway bring a smile to my face whenever he would get like this.

"I'm not going anywhere," I would tell him, giving his hand a squeeze. The wound did not take long to heal, so pretty soon I was back in my old room. It was like I had never left Gondor in the first place. It brought a smile to my face as I sat down on my bed. I was finally back with my love, and there was nothing to part us. Well, other than the fact that the people of Gondor did not know of our relationship.

"When are we going to tell them?" I asked in a small voice, looking up into the grey eyes of Aragorn. He sighed and sat next to me.

"When the time is right," he told me softly, placing his hand on top of mine. "We can talk to Gandalf and Elrond, they should be able to help us with a speech or something." He brought my hands up to his lips and softly kissed them. Color rose to my cheeks as I watched him. Aragorn took both my hands and placed them around his neck. He pulled me onto his lap, and he started kissing me.

The kisses started out slowly and sweetly, but then they started to grow in heat. I tangled my fingers in his brown hair, and I felt his hands stroke my waist. While I was healing, we shared kisses, but not as passionate as this. He moved his lips to kiss down my neck, and I breathed in sharply. I felt him smile against my neck as he continued to kiss down the right side of my neck.

I continued to mess with his hair, and he continued to kiss until he found my sweet spot. I inhaled as he found the spot, and he focused all his attention on that spot. I bit down on my lip, trying to keep my voice from saying his name.

"Come back here," I told him, raising his head and capturing his lips with mine. Aragorn pushed me back on the bed, and was straddling me, not breaking the kiss. He messed with my hair as I messed with his. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and I quickly rolled us to the side, I was now pinning Aragorn to the bed. He looked at me with wide eyes, and I smirked down at him. "You are not always going to be on top."

Aragorn smirked at me, and rose to capture my lips again. Our lips were going to be bruised by the time we are done, but that did not matter. I had Aragorn with me, and that is the only thing that mattered. My face was flushed with our antics, but I did not care. I was with the one I loved, and we had each other finally.

"I wish everyday is like this," Aragorn panted, leaning back on the bed.

"As do I," I replied, laying my head on his chest. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said, snatching my lips again.


"Legolas," a voice whispered in my ear. I opened my blue eyes to find grey ones staring at me.

"Is it morning?" I asked, rolling over to bury my face in his bare chest. Kissing had led to many other things, but I did not care. "Let us continue to sleep..."

"We have to get up," he said with a chuckle. Aragorn got up, and I followed with a sigh. I moved the blanket to show my own bare chest. Both of us only had our undergarments on, but we were not shy around each other. "I want to tell my people soon, so we do not have to hide our feelings. I love you, and I want others to see the love I have for you."

A red blush had entered my cheeks, and I smiled at him. "I love you too," I told him, standing up and kissing his lips softly. "How about we go and talk to Gandalf?"

"Yes, we shall," he said, catching my lips in another soft kiss. "I am sorry for what Arwen has done, and I should have seen what she was trying to do sooner." I brought my forehead to his, closing my eyes. It pained me to see him blaming himself.

"It was not your fault," I told him, hugging him. "What happened happened, and we cannot change that. I am just overjoyed that we are together again."

I could feel him smile as his stubble scratched my face. "I love you," he told me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you too," I told him. "Can we go back to sleep now? Or do you really have somewhere to be?" He looked at me with those beautiful, grey eyes, and I just wanted to go to sleep and snuggle with him again. "We still have a few hours before you have to be anywhere."

"I guess," he sighed, picking me up and throwing me onto the bed. "I think we can spare a few more hours..." He laid on top of me, and I laughed as he put his head on my chest. I messed with his hair, and started to braid it. "You better not be doing what I think you are doing."

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I told him, putting my hands down. I had already done about three braids in his hair, and I connected them in an intricate pattern. "I was not just doing what you thought I was doing."

Aragorn's hand went up to touch his hair, and he felt the braids there. "You have got to be joking!" He said, trying to get them out of his hair. I started laughing, and Aragorn started to tickle me. I was never really that ticklish, but he just had to know the certain places I was the most ticklish.

"Stop!" I panted, laughing. He was laughing too with a massive smile on his face. "I cannot breath!" I told him, laughing so hard that I snorted.

Aragorn stopped tickling me, and he collapsed onto my chest. "I never knew you were that ticklish," he said, messing with my hair this time. "Can you please get the braids out?" I nodded my head yes, and it appear as if I was taking the braids out. Unknown to him, I was just putting more in. When he reached his hand up, he growled and started tickling me again. The cycle went on and on.


Author's Note,

Hey guys! I just got my wisdom teeth removed, so I found some time to write a new part. This is definitely a filler, as I think of how to continue. I may be ending this story soon, so please do not hate me! I also entered this story into #Wattys2015 , so please wish me luck! you guys are amazing, and if you guys have anymore ideas, you can message me on here or kik me at PixieStick97! Stay awesome, and continue to comment and vote!



P.S. I started a new story! A Black Butler reader insert, I hope you guys will check it out! 

Love That Cannot Be (A Legolas and Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now