Needing Advice

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(Elrond POV)

The night air came into my room, as I sat by my window with a book in my hands. I was thankful that Aragorn let me stay here. Arwen had left for the undying lands, and it would soon be my time to leave also. I missed my daughter, but I would see her again. There was a knock on my door, and I looked up. 'Who could that be?' I thought to myself as I set my book down to walk to the door. I opened it to find Aragorn standing there.

"Hello," I greeted, letting him into my room. "What can I do for you Aragorn?" He looked almost nervous; he was rubbing his hands together. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," he said, sitting down in the two seats by the window. Aragorn was resting his elbows on his knees, his hands in a fist out in front of him. "I came seeking advice."

"Advice for?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed. I had an idea about what he wanted to talk about, but I wasn't quite sure. "Does this have to do with Legolas? You know you can ask me anything."

"I came to ask advice for asking Legolas to marry me," He told me, a slight pink color entering his cheeks. "At the great hall, when the people asked when we were going to get married, it got me thinking. I have no idea what to do for him. Legolas is amazing, and I did not want to ruin it."

"He loves you Aragorn," I told him, a small smile on my face. "Why not ask him at the garden that he loves so much? The flowers should still be blooming. Legolas would love to be asked there." Aragorn nodded, a slow smile entering his face. "Do you have a ring?" He nodded his head yes, pulling out a small wooden box.

Aragorn handed me the box, and I opened it to find a silver ring that had a forest green stone in the middle. It was simple, yet beautiful. Legolas would love it. I smiled, holding the ring to get a better look at it. When I went to hand the box back, Aragorn looked at me with an expectant look.

"It is beautiful, Legolas will love it," I told him, giving the small box back. "I believe it is perfect for Legolas, and he will most definitely say yes."

"Really?" he asked. a smile on his face. "I feel a lot better, thank you so much!"

"You are very welcome," I replied, watching as he got up from the seat. "When do you plan on asking him?"

"I will ask him tomorrow," Aragorn said, a glint in his grey eyes. He looked so excited. "Thank you again!" I watched as he left, picking up my book once the door was closed. I was happy for the both of them, knowing that they are perfect for each other. After about twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door again. 'Did Aragorn forget something?' I thought, walking to the door and finding the blond hair of Legolas. 'I wonder what he is doing here so late...'

"Good evening, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he told me, his blue eyes sparkling slightly.

"No, you did not interrupt anything," I told him with a smile, my book hidden behind my back. "Please come in." Legolas nodded, sitting in the seat that Aragorn had inhabited only twenty minutes ago. "What can I help you with?" I sat back in my chair, setting the book back on the table.

"I wanted to ask you about marriage," Legolas started, crossing his long legs over each other. "My mind was opened when the people asked when we were going to get married, and I wanted to ask how I could ask Aragorn to marry me."

I had been taking a sip of my water, and almost sprayed it all over Legolas. I coughed a few times, setting the glass down. "You are going to purpose?" I asked, wiping the water from my chin. Legolas nodded, his hair bouncing with the movement. He looked so happy, and I did not want to tell him that Aragorn was going to ask him tomorrow. "What did you have in mind?"

"I wanted to ask him at the garden, because that is where we shared our first kiss," Legolas said, his eyes sparkling with love. I was surprised that Aragorn did not think of that, but Legolas would be the one to remember the more sweet parts of their relationship. "They flowers are blooming, and it would be a memorable place to ask him I believe."

"Do you have a ring already?" I asked, leaning forward in my seat. Legolas nodded eagerly, handing me a small velvet case. It held a silver ring with a red jewel, and a few white diamonds. The ring was stunning, but simple like the ring Aragorn got for Legolas.

"Is it alright?" he asked, his face holding questions and insecurities. I nodded with a smile, handing the box back to him. Legolas looked so excited, that he was almost jumping in his seat. "I want to ask him tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? So soon?" I asked, thinking about how Aragorn is going to be asking him tomorrow in the garden, with almost the same ring.

"Is that too soon?" He asked, a sad look on his face. "I wanted to ask him as soon as possible. Should I wait?" Legolas looked so down that I could not help but smile.

"I believe tomorrow would be a great time to ask him," I told him, and a smile was instantly on his face. He stood up, giving me a hug which I gave back.

"Thank you so much Elrond!" He told me, walking towards the door. "I cannot wait for tomorrow to come! You have all my thanks!"

"You are welcome," I replied waving as he left the room, closing the door. I slumped in my chair with a sigh. "Both of them are going to purpose tomorrow, and neither of them know that... Tomorrow should be pretty interesting for the both of them."

I went to grab my book but stopped, not wanting someone to interrupt me again. With a sigh, I picked the book up and started reading again. It seemed as if I was going to be left in peace tonight, so I continued to read by the light of a candle. The book was getting good when I could hear someone knocking on the door again. I huffed, slamming my book down on the table that I had just picked it up from.

"Yes?" I snapped. opening the door to find Gandalf.

"I did not mean to make you angry, I merely wanted to say goodnight."


Author's Note, 

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've updated! You are free to hate me... I cannot thank you guys enough to get me past 4k views! I never believed that I could make it this far with my story! You guys are amazing! I hope you enjoy this part, and I will be updating hopefully soon... I'm going to be starting one of my jobs soon, so hopefully I will still be able to update!



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