A Surprising Response

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(Legolas POV)

    The last thing I remembered was looking at Aragorn, and then there was nothing but blackness. My mind was no longer attached to my body. I saw Aragorn racing back to Gondor, with me by his side. Gandalf waited, a look of sadness on his face. Why is everyone so sad? I thought to myself as I watched those around me. Is this what dying is like? A slow and peaceful fading into nothingness? Why are mortals afraid of this?

    Everyone was around me, and they looked so worried. Aragorn was crying, I wish he would not. He looked so sad. Even my father looked sad. I tried to get up to comfort them, but I could not move. I saw their mouths moving, yet, there was only silence. The only thing I could hear was Aragorn’s voice. He was begging me to come back.

    There was so much sadness in his voice, I wanted to comfort him. I opened my eyes, and saw all of them staring at me. “Why is everyone staring at me?” I asked, sitting up more on the bed.

    “Legolas!” Aragorn practically yelled, running to my side. “How do you feel? You have been asleep for close to a week.” My father was watching us very closely, almost as if he knew what I was thinking. “Legolas, are you alright?”

    I was brought back to reality, and everyone was still staring at me. “Fine,” I said with a smile. I felt very exposed. “I am doing very well, thank you for caring.”

“May I speak to my son?” My father suddenly said. Everyone turned to look at him. I felt relieved that he said that, I did not enjoy being the center of anything. Gandalf nodded and started to usher everyone out. Aragorn was the last one to leave, giving me another look before leaving. The way he acted was very strange.   

Everything was silent as my father and I stared at each other. I pulled my legs underneath me, waiting for my father to say something. It was nice for there to be silence after so much noise. This was the way my father and I interacted with each other. My eyes wandered around my chambers, and I saw that my bow was in the corner of the room. It looked well taken care of. Arwen must have looked after it for me. Her and Aragorn are the only ones who know how I like my weapons.

When I looked back at my father, he looked distressed. I got up and walked over to him, not understanding. “Father-” my words were cut off as my father threw his arms around me. It was a sudden display of affection that unbalanced me. I was not used to my father being the loving father. I wrapped my arms around him, not knowing what was happening. “Father?”

“I was so worried,” he responded, tears in his voice. I was so confused, unable to form a thought, we sat there in each others arms. “I am sorry,” he said after a while, pulling away from me. His eyes were red, and it broke my heart to see that. “I thought I had lost someone else important to me. After losing your mother, then… then… him… I could not stand to lose another part of me.” We sat there in each others arms, unable to part from what just happened.


It was a few days later, and I sat in the small garden in the middle of the city. It was so peaceful here. No one bothered to come here, because they were too enthralled by their stone city. The flowers were in bloom, and they were beautiful. So many colors were around me, and I closed my eyes. The scent was overwhelming in a good way.

“Wonderful,” a voice said from behind me. I have become laxed in my senses since the war ended. I turned to find Aragorn studying me. “I made sure the flowers were tended while you were asleep. You are one of the only people who comes here. I do not see why though, it is very beautiful here. And one needs beauty while being trapped in a world of stone.” His words slightly confused me, but Aragorn had a way of doing that.

“Thank you,” I stated simply. It was very sweet of him to take care of this small patch of life for me. “I am sorry for worrying all of you.” I stood up, and looked at him carefully. I had been almost trying to avoid him the past few days. Aragorn had been acting strange, and I had no idea how to react around him. I felt him come up behind me, and it felt strange. I welcomed the heat, but it felt wrong.

“You worried a lot of people,” Aragorn said. “I was unaware that your father would respond that way. I believe it threw everyone off by how concerned he was for you.”

“I did not see it as so strange,” I responded, bending down to look at a flower. “He has recently lost someone he loved dearly, and he did not want to lose his only son.” The flower I was looking at was a dark purple, and the petals were delicate and soft. Unlike the other flowers, this one bloomed by itself. It was small, yet it defied the others. “My father has been broken so much, that this time he could not have handled losing me.”

  Aragorn bent down next to me, and I stopped myself from looking at him. He always had a way to cause me to lose any calm I had. I could feel color rising in my cheeks, and luckily my hair covered it so he would not see. His hand brushed mine as he went to look at the flower I held. My senses burned as his fingers lingered on mine. With that I turned to look at him, and his lips crashed into mine. At first I had no idea what had happened, all I could feel was the heat of his lips on mine.

His hands wrapped around my back and started to mess with my hair. My hands traveled around his back as we continued to kiss. Before I knew it, we were on the ground, and he was on top of me. We both had to stop for some much needed air, and he looked down at me with a smile. I realized I also had a smile on my face. “I love you,” he told me, planting another kiss on my lips. Everything felt perfect.

“I love you too,” I replied, my smile growing bigger. Aragorn sighed in relief and I rolled my eyes. With one swift movement, I quickly flipped Aragorn over, and I was on top of him. I straddled him, and started to kiss him again. His hands wove into my hair, and his stubble tickled my chin. I caused me to giggle slightly as I pulled away. There was an intake of breath behind us, and we both looked to find Arwen looking horrified. Her hand over her mouth as she started to back up. Aragorn quickly got up, causing me to crash onto the ground. Arwen ran out of the garden, Aragorn quickly behind her. Leaving me to still feel the heat of his lips on mine.


Author’s Note

Wow, that was interesting…

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I have actually been on time writing this chapter! Y’all should be proud of me. What do y’all think Arwen will do? Will Legolas and Aragorn be alright? What’s going on with Thranduil? Leave your theories in the comments, and I might write about them! Please keep voting and commenting, you guys have been great, and have spoiled me so much. I never thought people would actually read this story, so thanks!



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