A Feeling of Loss

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(Aragorn POV)

    The feast drew on for what seems a lifetime. After all the battles they had been through, it was strange to have such a normal party after so much death. My mind wandered as the laughter and music filled my ears. I closed my eyes, letting it over take me. It felt calming to be around so much noise. It reminded me of being in the thick of a fight. Silence was one of my least favorite things to have right now. I felt a hand on mine and opened my eyes to see Arwen. A smile appeared on my face, basking in the sight of her.

    “I wish that Legolas was here to see this,” Arwen stated, leaning her head against my shoulder. My smile disappeared as I looked out over my people. Legolas had acted strange at the garden. He was almost, avoiding me. My eyebrows came together in thought as I continued to watch everyone.

            "Maybe I should go check on him?" I asked, getting ready to stand up. The way he had been acting was worrying him immensely. Arwen lightly placed a hand on mine, bringing my thoughts back to now.  “Arwen, he is my friend, I need to find him.”

    Arwen nodded slowly, the smile fading from her face. “I understand,” she told me, bringing my hand up to her lips. She kissed it gently before letting my hand go. I kissed her lightly on the forehead before leaving the hall. No one noticed me leave, for they were all celebrating the end of the war. A small, sad smile lit my lips as I thought of all those who gave their lives. My mind drifted from Boromir to Theoden, men who gave their entire lives to end the darkness, and did not live to see the end result.

    The halls were quiet as I walked, all I could hear were my own footfalls. “Why are you not with your people?” A voice inquired from in front of my. I was not paying attention to anything that I almost walked full on into Gandalf.

    “Hello my friend,” I answered, ignoring the question altogether. “Have you seen Legolas anywhere? I need to speak with him.” There was a sad look on his face after I asked the question. “What are you not telling me?” Anger had flared in my heart at the thought of Gandalf knowing something he did not.

    “Legolas is no longer with us,” Gandalf stated, looking hard at me.

    “What do you mean he is no longer with us?” I insisted, unsure of what his meaning was. “Why must you always speak in riddles?” I had fear in my heart now, not knowing what was going on.

    “Do not let your emotions get the better of you,” Gandalf warned. I had no idea why I was acting in such a way, I was just nervous for my friend. “He left the south gate not that long ago.” I nodded my head at him once, before I took off down the hall.

    When I had made it to Legolas’ room, I opened the door quickly. It was as neat as it normally was, but there was no sign that Legolas was ever there. I walked to the window and put my hands on the windowsill. I searched the horizon, trying to see any signs there were of Legolas. My eyes were not as keen as his, so all I saw was bare land. He was gone, and I just let him leave with no say at all. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I thought what to do. Legolas had told him that he was going to see his father, but in the back of my mind, I knew he was now lying to me.

    “Are you alright?” A hand was placed on my shoulder, and I knew that it was Arwen. “I saw Gandalf in the hall, he looked upset.”

    “Legolas left,” I said simply. It felt as if a part of me was gone. It was strange to feel this way. The only other time I felt this way was when I had to leave Arwen. “I should have known that he was lying to me. Something is not wrong, and I have to go find him.”

    “Aragorn, you are a skilled tracker, but this is Legolas we are talking about,” Arwen insisted, turning me to look into my eyes. “He has the skill to disappear and not be found. I have faith in you, but I also have seen the skills of Legolas.”

    I grabbed hold of both her hands in mine. “I have to go and find him,” I told her, bringing her hands to my lips. “I need to know that he is alright…” There was a sigh from her lips, and I looked to find a desperate look on her face. “I will return once I find him.”

    “You are the new king of Gondor,” Gandalf told him, walking into the room. “You have to think of your people now. They are your main priority at this moment.” In my mind I knew that Gandalf was right, but in my heart, I could not listen to him.

    “I believe that my Queen can watch over them for a few days,” I started, looking at Arwen. She glanced quickly between Gandalf and I, trying to chose who she should listen to. “An ngell nîn (please), I must know what is going on.” She looked conflicted, but finally, she nodded a tight yes with her head. “Gi melin (I love you.” I leaned my head down, kissing her quickly on top of the head. “Do you have any idea where he was heading?”

    Gandalf shrugged his shoulders, looking out the window. “He might be heading towards Fangorn Forest,” he answered, looking back at me. “He had always wanted to explore that said forest.” I nodded my head in thanks before taking off. I stopped at the door to give Arwen one last glance before running towards my room. Something gave speed to me, because I feared for what was happening to my dear friend.

Once I got to my room, I quickly found what to bring. I imagined the way that Legolas would travel, and he would travel light. One gained more ground when traveling light than weighing down the horse. To keep myself unknown when I left, I quickly changed into my ranger garb. I grabbed my daggers and Andúril, strapping them to my belt. It felt as if I was missing something, but I went through my head again what I should have.

        While I walked towards the stables, somewhat calmer than I was before. Brego was already waiting for him. Arwen must have sent word to the stables. A slow smile appeared while I thought of Arwen. I thanked the stable hand that was there and mounted Brego. He was ready for the ride ahead, and he knew that what I seeked was important. We took off out the south gate, in hot pursuit of Legolas. I slowed as I exited the gate, trying to find any signs as to where Legolas went, but there were none. All I could find was a hoof print here and there, showing a general way that he went. I took one last look at Gondor, before taking off after my dear friend.


Author's Note

Thank you to all of those who have read my story. I hope y'all have liked it so far. Any ideas or requests, send me a message. Thanks guys!



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