Roaming Thoughts and Remembered Pasts

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(Legolas POV)

By the time Arod had halted to a stop, we had traveled many leagues from Gondor. Arod was panting slightly, because I rode him hard. “I’m sorry my friend…” I told him after I got off him. “Forgive me for causing you harm.” I stroked the soft part of his nose, putting my forehead against his. Arod closed his eyes, bowing his head slightly. A small smile lit my face as I took a step away from him. He was already on his way to sleep, and his breathing slowed considerable. The stars were out and the air was cold. I would have to make a fire.

We had stopped in a small, wooded clearing. There was room enough to see the sky, and to hide from unwanted eyes. I chose not to cut down any trees, and just find some branches to make a fire out of. It was out of respect that I do this. My thoughts strayed from moment to moment, unable to keep it off of Aragorn.


“What is troubling you?” I heard the voice and opened my eyes to find Aragorn looking at me. “And do not lie to me, I know when you are not being honest.” He took a seat next to me, and he continued to look into my eyes. “Is it your father again?”

“Why must you look inside me like that?” I asked back, leaning back into the green grass. We were sitting amongst rolling green hills, not that far from Rohan. I looked away from my friend, not wanting him to see the feelings coursing through my mind. “I do not wish to discuss it…”  

I could feel Aragorn slowly move onto his knees looking at me. He tried to move my chin, but I stopped him. "You have to let me in,"Aragorn told me, moving to sit in front of me. He finally forced me to look at him. What he found, was me crying.Aragorn was tamer aback at the tears in my eyes. That was one of the only times that he saw me cry.

"Thank you old friend," I replied, not fully giving him a response. "I know that I will always be able to count on you. I'm sorry about the tears... I miss my life, even though my Father was not as way the greatest. We should be heading back to the others." with that, I stood to go to the horses. Aragorn continued to sit, so I offered him a hand. Aragorn appeared do not want to hand leave the plains, because he was hesitant to take my hand. He signed once before actually taking my hand.

"I hope you know that you will have to tell me your story," Aragorn stated, letting me help him up. A smau smile lit my lips as we walked over to the horses. "Why were you out here anyway? "

"I grew up around trees," I stated simply, " I wanted to see open spaces." I mounted Sirdal and waited for Aragorn. " It's nice to be surrounded by nothing once in a while. " Aragorn shook his head slightly before mounting Tálagor.

"Why must you speak in riddles my friend?" He asked with a smile. " Don't even think for a moment that we are done taming about your father." Aragorn took off with me in quick pursuit.


I shook my head slightly, trying to rid it of my friend. Whenever I thought of Aragorn, my heart ached. It was a feeling that I was not accustomed to. The ache became so great that I doubled over in pain. 'What is happening to me?' I thought to myself, bringing a shaking hand to my head. 'This cannot be...' The aching had stopped, and I knew that I had to continue my escape into the woods. When I looked over of Arod I noticed he was fast asleep.

A part of me broke, because I knew that he needed rest. My eyes found the branches I had gathered for the fire, and a small sigh escaped my lips. The fire was quick to start and helped to chase away the chill of the night. Arod broke the silence of the night, which was comforting in a way. The fire was crackling slightly, and the sound of creatures roaming the forest could be heard.

My mind drifted to Aragorn again, wishing that he was somehow here. I banished the thought, making myself think of nothing. With the constant sounds around me, my mind did not remain blank for long. I stood up, and started to pace in front of the fire. ‘Why is Aragorn making me feel this way? He has always been a friend, and nothing more...’ I kept telling myself, trying to think of what had caused me to think of him that way.

Arod continued to breath heavy, signaling that he was asleep. I had pushed him too hard today, he was exhausted. It pained me to see him so hurt. I would have to wait a day to let him fully recover from the ride here. ''I'm sorry my friend..." I said softly, brushing his nose gently. Arod did not stir from his rest.

I walked away from him and back towards the fire. Just from being out of the firelight, the cold air assaulted me. Every sense seemed even more heightened, and it was bothering me. Nothing had ever made me feel this way, but one mortal could change everything that I ever felt. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my mind again, but it kept jumping from thought to thought. I stood up again, pacing in front of the fire again.

‘Why are you thinking this way...’ I kept asking myself, over and over. It was the same thought that kept repeating itself in my mind. I squatted on the earth, trying to make myself stop thinking of my friend like that. It was unnatural to think of a man that you consider your friend like that. ‘What would my father think? He would be so ashamed if he ever knew what I have thought…My mother would be disappointed in me...’ With the thought of my mother, another part of me broke.

Maybe it was my time to travel to the undying lands, and spend the rest of my life with my kin. Just the thought of leaving Middle Earth caused me to feel alone and pain. I mentally scolded myself at feeling these things. There was a twig snap from the forest and my head instantly snapped up. Arod stirred from his sleep, and I scolded myself again for being so relaxed on keeping an eye on the camp.

“Legolas?” A voice asked from the woods. It was a man on horseback, and he should be able to see the firelight. I instantly picked up my bow, and got an arrow ready on the string. It was only a precaution, but I thought it necessary. The man was coming upon my small camp, and I knew who it was before he came through the trees. Aragorn appeared, and my heart dropped.


Authors Note

So, thank you all for reading so far! I hope you guys have been liking the story so far. Make sure that you continue to comment and vote (please?). If you have any ideas, message me or comment, I don't care. I've had fun writing this, and hopefully I will be able to write more soon. Thanks again to all those who are actually reading this. Remember to send me ideas!



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