A Closing Note From the Author

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Dear Readers,

I could not have asked for better people to be reading my story. I know, this is the end, and what an ending it was. I hope I did not screw it up, and you guys enjoy the ending. It means so much seeing the votes and comments, and I did not realize I would get this many reads. This story started off as a story just for fun, yet you turned it into a story that I had fun writing and getting ideas from people.

I know there were times that it took me forever to update, and it should not have taken me almost a year to write this story. This was one of my first stories, and I thank you all so much for the support you have given me.

I hope in the future I can write more stories that will please you all, and I want to have ideas from all of you. I want to write more, and I think in my mind I thought I couldn't. I'm in college, so I gave myself the idea that I have no time to do anything.

I thank you all again for your amazing support, and with that, the story of Legolas and Aragorn, is now complete.

Thank you all,

With great love,


Love That Cannot Be (A Legolas and Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now