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CHAPTER NINE it all came crashing down

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it all came crashing down

MAY'S BODY WAS passed out on the floor, a broken bottle of beer still in her hand. Her skin was deathly-pale, appearing an almost yellow colour. She had fallen asleep drunk many times, but a part of me knew that she wasn't just asleep.

I dropped to my knees, rushing to check if she still had a heartbeat. My fingertips pulsed against her neck, feeling the faintest of heartbeats. Her body was cold to the touch, making me rip the flannel off her body to provide her with at least a bit of warmth.

"Mom. Mom. I need you to wake up." I tapped her face gently, only to receive no response.

"Mom?" I tapped her again, tears pooling at my eyes.

"For fuck's sake."

In my state of panic, my first instinct was to call an ambulance- forgetting I had no money for hospital bills as it was, let alone the additional ambulance fees. Next, I thought to call Kie, but since I didn't have a phone, I never got her number.

I took one last glance at my mother before shifting my focus to the number written on my palm. He was the last person that I needed to be aware of my mom's alcohol problems, but was there really any other choice at this point?

I picked myself up off the ground and sprinted to the living room, where the house phone was kept. I switched my sight back and forth between the phone and my palm, calling him as soon as the number was dialled.

The dial tone rang for what seemed like eternity, every moment spent waiting making me more anxious about what was happening to my mother. Eventually, a click sounded on the receiver's end, signalling that he had picked up.

"Rafe Cameron speaking."

"Rafe, it's me, Camille." my voice was ridden with stress. "Are you still nearby?"

"I see you thought about the job, huh."

"No. I mean, yes, but- I'm not calling about that. It's my mom."

"What about her?"

"I need you to drive her to the emergency room for me, I can't afford an ambulance. House number 19."

He stayed quiet for a moment, the only sound in the room being that of my hyperventilating. I could tell he was really debating doing a favour for me, and I couldn't blame him. It's not everyday someone you hate calls you to drive their mom to the hospital.

"Okay. I'll be there in 5."

"Thank you so so much—" I began, shut off by the sound of him hanging up.

I took an exhale of relief before running back to the bathroom, May laying in the same position she was before. I looked at her with a blank expression, numb at the sight of her unconscious body.

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now