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CHAPTER THIRTY the morning after

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the morning after

"MORNING, PRETTY GIRL." Rafe's voice rasped the second I opened my eyes.

I had been awake for what I could imagine was an hour by now, but continued to fake sleep to not disrupt the peace between us. Falling for my act, Rafe delicately ran his fingers along the path of my body, admiring every last inch of my skin. His touch felt like lightning, sparking new levels of electricity with the fingerprints he left behind. I listened in for his breathing, the sound of each exhale reassuring that this perfect moment was in fact real.

There was nothing more perfect than him, at least from the eye's perspective.

Deep down, I knew it was only a matter of time before he'd let me down again. Be it with his anger, or Amelia, he was destined to break me like he was so used to doing almost every day. Simply existing in the same world was like walking around a dozen live wires, let alone being physically and emotionally vulnerable a mere few centimeters away from him.

There hadn't been a single time where I was more terrified of someone than I had ever been of Rafe. I had only experienced one of his outbursts, and yet it was the scariest I've seen someone act. Internally, I hated myself for being so infatuated with the idea of him that I had made up in my mind. No matter how aware I was of his actions, I continued to believe that these short affectionate moments could possibly outweigh all other cons.

At this rate, I would either live long enough to fall in love or drive myself insane with the thought alone.

I had never loved someone, but I knew that it wasn't bound to be easy with Rafe. The word itself frightened me, possibly more than any person could. There was no turning back once you've spoken those 8 letters.

It's not possible to pull yourself off the ground once jumping on your own accord, but maybe I didn't want to survive in the first place.

After all, people jump with the intent of falling.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"Doesn't matter." he pulled me closer to his shirtless frame, pressing his lips against my bruised neck.

"Rafe, I have a job. One that I would like to keep, so attending my shifts would be a good start."

"Camille, I'm your boss. If I want you to stay in bed with me, you will." he contradicted my statement, providing an annoyingly true argument.

"Fine, but you still need to let me go to the pharmacy later." I gave in.


"You can thank yourself for not having a condom last night."

"Oh shit." he shot up from the bed the second realization struck.

"Oh shit, indeed." I mocked, laughing at his fast-paced actions. "So much for staying in bed."

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now