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CHAPTER ONEwhat a way to make a living

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what a way to make a living

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THE SHRILL OF the restaurant bell pierced into my brain as I watched bodies move in and out of the bar. It was the 5th hour of working, and I was on the closing shift today. Accompanied by the pre-existing headache I had from Hurricane Agatha, that God forsaken bell just seemed to add onto my pain.

Working at The Wreck was fun, don't get me wrong, but there was not a single noise I hated more than the sound of the restaurant bell.

Or so I thought.

"They're paying you for service here, aren't they? Would be nice if one of you pretty ladies could serve us today." Topper Thornton's voice shouted from across the bar, accompanied by the banging of his palm against the mahogany countertop.

Topper, Kelce, and Rafe were frequent customers of The Wreck, primarily of The Wreck Bar, and rather ones that I was unfortunately very familiar with.

I swiftly hid behind a decorative palm tree, barely keeping grip of the empty drinks tray in my hand. After catching my breath from my fast escape, I gathered enough composure to stay still and keep hidden. Thinking I had gone unnoticed, I poked my head out from behind the tree, attempting to see if any of the other waitresses had gone over to serve them.

"There she is, our golden girl!" Kelce pointed in my direction, proving my assumption wrong.

"Ah, Foxy! Why don't you get that ass over here and make us some drinks like you're supposed to?" Topper laughed menacingly.

No matter how often they came into the restaurant, Kelce and Topper never seemed to want anyone else to serve them. For two of Outer Banks' most notorious man whores, they didn't expand their search that much. I don't know what I ever did for them to want me to serve them so much, but it must've been something.

Their hatred for me went way beyond the Kook-Pogue war, and it was indeed reciprocated.

No one makes a whole nickname for someone who's done nothing to them besides being a Pogue.

I took three slow, individual steps away from the palm tree, throwing my hands up when I moved into in plain sight.

"Busted." I smiled fakely.

"You know you can't hide from us right, Foxy?" Kelce smirked. "See, you Pogues need to know your place around us. It's not very respectful of you to be hiding from your thirsty customers, is it?"

I walked closer to the bar, slamming the empty tray I was once holding onto the counter. I fixed my apron before looking up at the group of guys in front of me, their eyes glued to the small bikini top I was wearing underneath.

There was another thing I hated when working at The Wreck; the uniform. Somehow a bikini top, shorts, and apron were weather appropriate, but not Kook-customer appropriate.

"How can I help you?" I sighed.

"Whiskey with one ice cube, you know how I like it." Topper winked.


"I'll take a beer, Rafe?"

Rafe sat in silence, his jaw tense as he stared intensely at the opposing wall. His hand rubbed against the back of his neck, the gold signet ring on his index finger catching the dim bar light. His hair was loosely parted down the middle, falling scruffily down his forehead- a much different sight to his usual, neat slick-back.

Something seemed to be bothering him, and I was the last person to want to be caught in the firing range of an angry Rafe Cameron.

"Rafe, bro." Kelce repeated himself, jolting his arm.

"Yeah? Um, I'll take a water." he mumbled.

"He's kidding, another whiskey."

Without question, I bent down to grab the whiskey bottle from the bar cupboard, accompanied by wolf whistles from the guys which, for my own benefit, I chose to ignore.

With my free hand, I gripped 2 glass cups and quickly placed them on the bar. Trying to take up the least amount of time in the Kooks' company, I rushed to get Kelce's beer and the ice cubes from the refrigerator. I assembled each of the drinks and passed them across the polished wood surface, my efforts not even being appreciated with a simple 'thank you'.

"I'd like to propose a toast." Topped raised his glass, smiling at the shock on my face from his words.

"To Mr Carrera and his choice of staff uniform because, if not for him, we wouldn't be getting a first class view of Foxy's tits right now."

"To Foxy's tits." Kelce laughed, raising his beer.

"Jackasses." I muttered, silenced by the rather loud conversation across the bar.

Rafe's focus remained on the wall, not even noticing the glass of whiskey in front of him. Something really seemed to be bothering him, and I couldn't lie that it didn't bring me pleasure to see him suffer.

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After a few long, insufferable moments of being in the Kooks' company, the clock finally struck 12- meaning I finally got to close the restaurant.

There were many blessings when it came to working the closing shift, and although kicking Topper and Kelce out was one of them, the peace and quiet of an empty restaurant was something that couldn't be matched.

"Alright y'all, fun's over. Everyone out!" I shouted, tightening my ponytail.

Soon enough, I had the whole of The Wreck to myself. Even though silence was relieving after a 7 hour shift of constant customer chatter, I couldn't resist turning on the radio while I cleaned.

The only radio we had in the whole restaurant was Mike, our boss', old Roberts from the 2000's. It took a few hits to get going, but we had to make do with what we have.

The sound of 'No Diggity' by Blackstreet filled the bar as I collected empty plates from the customer tables, instantly starting to dance. I was a sucker for 90's music; Hole, Nirvana, Wheatus, etc. You name it, I loved it.

I hummed along to the music, attempting to dance but being obstructed by the several plates in my arms. I rushed into the kitchen, dumping the dishes in the sink before I managed to drop them.

"In a rush, are we Cami?" a familiar female voice sounded from across the kitchen.

"Kie!" I exclaimed, pleased at the sight of my best friend.

Kiara and I had first become close when I started waitressing at The Wreck, her dad's restaurant. She was always around, and it was nice to talk to someone who didn't reek of salmon from the kitchen. It was hard to make friends whilst having left school early to work, even when living on such a small island.

Everyone seemed to know each other, and no one seemed to like me.

Through Kie, I met John B and all her other Pogue friends. John B and I had hooked up a couple times, which made things awkward every time we'd see each other. Regardless, I loved Kie's friends and they seemed to love me back- for once.

"I didn't know you were working tonight?" I asked, knowing she only works when she's done something to her dad.

"About that..." her voice trailed on as JJ, Pope, and John B emerged from behind her.

"Oh God."

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now