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CHAPTER TWENTY NINE truth or dare?(contains smut)

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truth or dare?
(contains smut)

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RAFE CLIMBED ONTO the mattress, placing the back of his head on my bare thighs. I raked my hands through his hair as he stared up at me, my bruised knuckles contrasting the smoothness of his skin. He took a few moments to truly process what I had said, trying to fabricate the perfect answer to my question.

"Truth." he replied back.

I continued playing with the blonde strands between my fingers whilst I thought of something to ask him. Even if he thought he was picking the easy way out, I was still determined to make this game as interesting as possible.

Currently for my own benefit, but who knows how the rest of the night was to progress.

"Have you ever thought about someone else when you were with another girl?" I smirked, knowing exactly who I was referencing.

The sudden look on his face made me realise he was aware too, yet not attempting to hide his underlying confidence. His fingers trailed up to the hem of my lace underwear, starting to toy with the seam.

"I have." he looked back into my eyes, the contact causing my cheeks to warm up. "Truth or dare, Camille Fox?"

"Truth." I answered instantly.

Admittedly, I was never the type of person to pass up a dare; making the choice of truth that much harder. Dares were something you could get over and done with, whilst there was no ignoring a question once it had already been answered. I knew Rafe wanted to 'get to know me', as per the use of the phrase earlier, I just didn't know what exactly he meant by it.

"Would you call yourself a jealous person?"

"Is this about Amelia?" I laughed, glancing back down at my scarred hand.

"It's not your turn to be asking questions, Cami." he shook his head.

As used as I was to the nickname, there was something about the way it rolled off his tongue that made me fall in love with it all over again. I was glad he wasn't calling me 'Mills' anymore, especially after everything that had happened with her over the past days.

"I guess you could say I get jealous at times."

"So you're a jealous person." he persisted, wanting to hear the exact words be spoken.

"Yes, I'm a jealous person." my lips formed into a defeated smile, giving him the satisfaction he wanted.

"I like it when you get worked up like that, over her." he held onto the side of my hip, slowly moving his hand down to reach my thigh.

The mention of jealousy made my mind drift back to the Boneyard party a couple weeks ago. It was the first time I had spoken to Rafe beyond being just a waitress, and the first day that ended up getting me into this beautiful mess between us. I reminded myself of how I kissed John B, and whether it was all a ploy to get him jealous.

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now