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CHAPTER TWENTY FIVEfireside reconciliation

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fireside reconciliation

MY HEAD LAID on Kie's lap, the both of us watching the boys set the bonfire. Her fingers tangled through my light brown waves, taking some of the hair and twisting it around my ear. The flower I wore had fallen off with the evening wind, leaving behind the usual messy sight on my head.

The feeling of dried blood on my cheek made me feel unsettled, the events of today registering in my mind as the alcohol slowly exited my system. I traced over the red imprint on my skin, trying to erase as much of it as possible.

This was the very reason why I hated being sober.

It made me realise how destructive I actually was, whilst taking all the fun away from that fact.

"Your help would be greatly appreciated." Pope tossed a log into the pre-existing pile of wood, looking up at me and Kiara.

"This is the one time the patriarchy benefits us, I'm not letting this opportunity go to waste." I laughed against the girl's thigh, curling my legs up to my chest.

"It's not hard to start a fire anyway." she added on. "Or are you boys really that doomed without us?"

The ground in front of us was engulfed in flames at the sound of her words. The fire temporarily took away from how cold I was, only for the feeling to quickly return. I stared ahead at the orange light, watching it take a hold of every log the boys had thrown on.

"So much for being doomed." John B grinned, sitting himself down opposite us.

"Well done, you lit a fire!" Kie rolled her eyes sarcastically. "We all know y'all would be dead without me."

"She has a point." I lifted my head from the girl's lap for a brief second, only for her to place it back down.

"Get a room, you two." JJ playfully covered his eyes.

"Is little J getting jealous?" my lips curled into a smile. "Sorry for stealing your girlfriend, but I think she likes me more."

"Shut up, Cami." the blonde boy raised his middle fingers at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him, not wanting to move my arms considering I was still fairly cold. The group broke out into a series of soft laughs, clearly being used to the sibling bond me and JJ had.

"Moving on," Kiara said, taking a strand of my hair and starting to braid it. "Where the hell have you been over the past few weeks. We've been worried sick."

"Speak for yourself." he added again.

"Shut up, JJ." the group groaned in unison, causing a weak smile to appear on my face.

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now