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CHAPTER THIRTY THREE words cut like a knife

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words cut like a knife

SWALLOWING HARD, I stepped out of the aisle I was hidden in and walked towards the pharmacy counter, seeing the blank face of an older lady staring straight back at me. I had almost forgotten the fact that my memories of last night were clearly on display for everyone else to see too, quickly reminded by the scowl the woman possessed.

"Can I help?" she spoke up.

"Um, just the morning after pill. Please." I smiled awkwardly, rubbing my hand on my neck as an attempt to hide any last regret painted across my skin.

"Could I see a form of identification?"

"For what?" a short laugh escaped my lips, dying down once I noticed the continuously stern expression on her face.

"To verify that you're above the age of consent." she replied in the same blunt manner, unimpressed at whatever I found to be humorous.

"That's not a rule, Sandra." I placed the scrunched bill onto the counter, looking down at her name tag. "I'm a paying customer, can I please just get served today?"

"Of course you'd know." the woman muttered as she passed the box over, taking the piece of paper into her hand.

Despite the intent of the pharmacy clerk's comment, I had indeed bought Plan B before, and knew full well that I did not need to be ID'd. It was frankly common for teenage boys to refuse using a condom, leaving all the responsibility in my hands as always.

Shooting one last bitter glance at the woman, I turned away from the counter, hearing a rather enthusiastic conversation coming from the same aisle Rafe insinuated for me to steer clear of.

Trouble was always something I was naturally drawn to, and I was never the type of person to turn down an opportunity so sweet.

"I'm sure you heard about what happened at the country club yesterday." Amelia's mom continued speaking, her voice becoming unbearably louder as I inched closer to where they were standing. "She's ended up with a broken nose."

"Mommy, I'm telling you, I was attacked. Rafe was there, he knows." the younger girl's voice made my fist tense up. "Isn't that right, Rafey?"

I turned into the corner of the store where their conversation had been coming from, standing directly behind Amelia and her mother. Rafe's face was quick to turn red with panic once he noticed my scheming grin, his company catching on to what had happened shortly after.

The sight of bruises dotted on the girl's spray tanned skin caused my lips to curve even wider, the Black Dahlia smile I possessed being one of both pride and vainess. If there was one thing to know about me, it was that I could sure throw a mean punch when I wanted to, and it was clear that Amelia was well aware of that fact.

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now