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CHAPTER THIRTY FIVE the best of birthday gifts

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the best of birthday gifts

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"THIS IS THE last time I do you a favour." Ricky's voice travelled from the driver's seat, stopping the car just in front of the Chateau.

My face remained pressed against the cold window, the second bottle of liquor nursed in my arms. The dim street lights blurred my vision that much more, the journey from the car to John B's house looking to be a difficult one to overcome in my state of intoxication.

"I'm sorry for making you hate me." I muttered, the words I spoke becoming increasingly slurred.

"You're an idiot, but I don't hate you. Get out before I change my mind."

I curled my fingers around the metal handle, the night breeze hitting my exposed body once I stepped out of his car. A series of silent thanks came from my mouth before Ricky drove off, leaving me at the foot of the house.

With the glass bottles still firmly in my grip, I stumbled my way onto the front porch, seeing a faint light beyond the closed front door. Every bone in my body was hoping that all 4 of my friends would be sat in the living room, ready to take me back into their caring arms regardless of how much I didn't deserve them.

It had happened many times before, and some gut instinct buried in me knew they'd be fed up one day.

I hit my knuckles softly against the wooden door, opposingly to how I banged on Ricky's no less than an hour ago. Taking another sip of the drink in my hand, I waited in silence for a worried look to meet me on the doorstep. A few moments passed without a single sign of life making its way towards me, alerting them with another knock.

"Guys, it's Cami." I raised my voice slightly, wanting the fact that I was still crying to remain hidden for as long as it could. "Can y'all let me in?"

Not wanting to wait another minute in the cold, I tried unlocking the door on my own, seeing as no one was going to do it for me. The hinges creaked open on my first attempt, allowing me to gain shelter from the darkness looming outside.

My face instantly met with JJ's, confusion coming across me as to why he didn't at least respond to my knocks. A faint click made it apparent that the entrance to the house had closed itself, leaving only the awkward atmosphere between us.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked, staring at the figure perched on John B's couch.

His eyes refused to look into mine, thankfully covering the glossed surface of my cheeks. It felt as if I was having a conversation with a brick wall, his muteness being a sight rather unusual to me. The once-joyous boy I knew was contrasting each personality trait of his I knew, only leading me to the conclusion that something was wrong.

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