Another Mission

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A/N: Also Steve's POV as there are a bunch of things in here that are needed for this story even though Alia is not with them on this mission.

I headed to the hangar to prep for the mission, a huge smile on my face. I had gotten Phil's permission and Thor's blessing and now I was on cloud nine. I got suited up inside the locker room that was just inside the hangar bay and met Nat by the quinjet, the smile still plastered to my face. She beamed when she saw me coming and pulled me into a huge hug.

"What did I tell you? Nothing to worry about. I told you Phil would say yes, although I wasn't expecting you to talk to Thor," she said.

"Yeah, Phil said he was in Asia, visiting Jane and suggested that I give him a call because of how protective he is over Alia," I replied, still grinning like an idiot.

"I still can't believe her mom was a goddess and now she is that goddess. You are marrying the literal Goddess of Love. How do you feel about that?" she asked.

"Hey I need to ask her first," I said chuckling. "But I know what you said, you think she will say yes."

"You don't think she will?" Nat asked, looking up at me.

"I'm honestly not sure. Every part of me hopes that she does, but I just don't know if I deserve her," I replied, my confidence wavering for a second.

"Steve, you really are an idiot sometimes," she said smacking me in the arm. Before I could ask what she meant, the STRIKE team headed our way. 

"Cap, Agent Romanoff," the agent at the front said, greeting us as they reached us.

"Rumlow," I responded, nodding.

"What's got you in such a good mood Cap?" Rumlow asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll let you know when the plan is finished and everything is finalized," I said. He just nodded. It wasn't that I didn't like Rumlow, but there was something about him that just seemed off to me. I shook off my worries for now. We had a job to do and I had a proposal to plan. I looked over at Nat.

"Hey I need to make one last call before we head out. I'll just be a minute," I told her.

"Tell Alia I said hi," she smirked playfully. I laughed and stepped away to call my girl. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey baby," she said when she answered.

"Hey sweetheart," I replied. "Did you get home ok?" 

"Yeah, I did. I talked to Sam for another minute or two after you left and then headed home. He's a really nice guy. I gave him our numbers in case he wants to go running again. Or in case he wants to hang out with my workaholic borderline hermit boyfriend," she explained playfully.

"Hey I'm not a workaholic or a hermit. I'm just busy and when I'm home I like spending time with my best girl," I responded. She laughed slightly. I heard the sound of a cabinet opening and then closing. "You getting lunch babe?"

"Yeah, it's about time for it. Well maybe an early one," she laughed.

"Hey, listen, when I get back, I want to take you somewhere," I said suddenly, surprising myself. I had no idea what I was going to do for the proposal yet. Crap.

"Ok, anywhere special?" she asked.

"Oh no, I'm not spoiling the surprise," I said, trying to cover my tracks. "You'll see."

"Ok then," she replied and I could hear the smile in her voice. "I love you Steve."

"I love you too. I'll be home soon sweetheart," I said. Just then I noticed Nat was waving to get my attention. It was time to go. "Sweetheart I need to go, we are getting ready to leave. Nat says hi by the way."

"Tell her I said hi," Alia chuckled. "And Steve, please be careful. I love you so much and if you get hurt I'm going to kick your ass myself. Do you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am. You can't see it but I'm sending you a salute," I replied, messing with her a little bit. She laughed.

"Go do your mission Captain," she responded. "I'll be waiting on you when you get home. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart," I responded, a heavy feeling in my heart when I hung up. This girl was my world and I honestly didn't know what I would do without her. I walked back over to the quinjet and stepped inside with the rest of the team. Nat stood there smirking with her arms crossed.

"Alia says hi," I said as I passed her. She chuckled and joined us on the quinjet. The back raised up and the pilot took off. I sat in a seat next to Nat, smiling to myself again. We had a while to go until we reached our destination so I needed to get ideas going. I pulled out my notebook and opened up to a new page. I turned to look at Nat.

"Alright, now, what do I do?" I asked. "I want to make this proposal special. It's going to be the only time I do this and hopefully the only time she has to have a proposal so, I want to make this perfect."

"Well you have to think about what is special to the two of you," Nat started. "Something that you both have in common and something that has been a big thing in your relationship."

"We both work so much it's hard to think of something. Oh wait! I took her to Coney Island for our first official date. We walked on the boardwalk and then after doing rides and games we walked on the beach looking up at the stars," I responded excitedly. "Would that be something good to do?"

"I knew you were secretly a romantic under the stars and stripes Cap," Nat teased, nudging my shoulders. "Recreating your first date is incredibly romantic. But don't do it exactly as you did the original date. Mix things up just a little. Make it memorable but special too. Any ideas on the ring yet?"

"I have some ideas, but I need to know her ring size first. I don't want to get a ring and it be too big or too small," I said looking down thoughtfully.

"I can handle that," Nat said. I looked up at her, surprised. "Look, if you go around trying to figure it out, she's going to get suspicious. If I do it, I'm just a friend trying to compare finger sizes. I have an idea already." I just nodded, not questioning her methods. She immediately got on her phone and started searching away. I leaned back in my seat, thinking about how I was going to propose. I was excited but nervous still. I just wanted this to go right. After a few minutes, Nat turned to me triumphantly.

"She's a seven and a half," she beamed. I looked at her in absolute shock. 

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"A good spy never reveals her secrets," she said, smiling devilishly. I laughed and sat back.

"Thanks Nat. You're an amazing friend to us both," I replied.

"Just treat her right Cap. She's been through too much," Nat said sadly. I nodded.

"I know she has. I know," I replied, thinking about my girl again. This mission needed to hurry up. I needed to get home to her. 

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