More Secrets

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Eric helped me into the truck and sat me down on the bench. He looked at me sadly and shook his head.

"Hey do me a favor when you get back to SHIELD?" I asked quietly so no one else could hear; the other agents were still rounding up Steve and Sam. He nodded quickly. "FInd my dad and tell him I love him. Just in case you know?"

"You got it, kid," he whispered and walked away as Rumlow deposited Steve and Sam into the truck. Steve sat across from me and Sam was forced into the seat next to me. Two agents with helmets on got in and sat against the wall in the front of the truck. The doors were slammed shut and we were on our way to wherever they were taking us.

"It was him," Steve said after a few minutes. I was breathing heavily, trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to alert the guards that there was anything really wrong. If I did that, they were more than likely going to kill me on the spot. "He looked right at me like he didn't even know me."

"How is that even possible?" Sam asked. "It was like, seventy years ago."

"Zola," he responded, still looking at the floor. I hissed as we hit a bump in the road and Sam looked over at me. I just shook my head but he didn't look convinced. Apparently he and Steve hadn't seen the bullet wound yet. Good. "Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did, helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and...Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky." 

"None of that is your fault babe," i said weakly. He looked at me, fear on his face.

"Sweetheart are you ok? What the hell happened?" Steve asked, trying to get up to come to me but I shook my head, my eyes darting to the guards in the truck. I leaned my head back against the seat and tried very hard not to pass out, breathing heavily again. 

"Baby?" I heard Steve's voice in my head. "Sweetheart please talk to me."

"Babe, I love you but it is taking everything I have just to stay awake right now," I responded.

"We need to get a doctor here," Sam was telling the guards. "If we don't put pressure on that wound she's going to bleed out in the truck." Steve's head snapped up to look at Sam, fear and pain in his eyes. One of the guards pulled out a stick that started to light up and spark on the end. It looked like a cattle prod from hell. As the boys and I watched, the guard holding it attacked the other guard, knocking him out on the floor. They took off their helmet and it was none other than Maria Hill. I sighed in relief.

"That thing was squeezing my brain," she said throwing the helmet to the side. She looked over at us. "Who's this guy?" 

"Sam Wilson," Sam said. I was getting too weak to even sit up and Maria stood up to unlock our cuffs. As soon as his were unlocked, Steve jumped up and pulled me into his arms, causing me to wince in pain and let out a groan I had been holding in for a while. 

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry," he said, pulling me closer and burying his head in my chest. 

"When we stop, follow my lead. They weren't planning on taking you back to SHIELD alive," Maria informed us as we began to slow down. She took the stick and burned a hole right through the floor of the truck, all of us slipping through it and running off to the side of the road into the woods where there was another car waiting for us. Idiots had put us in the truck in the very back of the convoy. No one would know we were gone until the opened the truck. We got into the truck and started off to wherever Maria had a base set up.


It wasn't too long after that we arrived at some dam. As the back door opened, Steve picked me up and carried me inside. Once we were inside, a man came running up to us. 

"GSW, she's lost at least a pint," Maria called to him.

"Maybe two," Sam added. I was trying to stay awake at this point and it was very difficult.

"Come on sweetheart, stay awake for me baby," Steve said, sounding like he was trying not to cry.

"Let me take her," the man called and I held tighter to Steve. I wasn't in a very trusting mood right now.

"She'll want to see him first," Maria countered. I was confused. See who? As we continued to walk deeper into the building, we came up to a curtain made of plastic sheeting and when Maria pulled them back, I almost fell out of Steve's arms. Nick Fury was laying in a hospital bed, attached to monitors but very much alive.

"About damn time," he said, looking at us. 

"I really need to get that wound patched up please," the other man said. He gestured towards a chair for me to sit in but I refused to let go of Steve. He sat in the chair himself and held me as the man got to work. He took my jacket off and started to look at the wound. He took a syringe and injected something into my shoulder just outside of the wound. There was a pinch and a sharp pain but after a moment, I didn't feel anything at all. I leaned my head against Steve's chest and let him do his work.

"Your dad is going to kill me," Steve said to me, chuckling slightly.

"No not you, but I might be ok to kill Barnes for shooting her," a voice called out. My dad walked out of a room and came over to us. He stood by Steve's side and looked down at me. "First a concussion and now a gunshot to the shoulder? You're a mess kiddo."

"All in day's work for a SHIELD agent dad," I replied weakly. I could feel some pressure and some tugging in my shoulder but it wasn't terribly painful. I heard the clink of something metal on metal and relaxed. He must have removed the bullet.

"She's going to need blood," the man said. Steve immediately began to roll up his sleeve as best he could while holding me.

"She can have mine. As much as you need," he said. The man nodded.

"I need to check your blood and hers and make sure that you are a donor match for her," he said. He took some of my blood onto a little card and then pricked Steve's finger and took a small amount of his. He dropped some sort of liquid onto it. I looked back at Steve.

"You don't need to do that," I said weakly. He nodded.

"Yes I do," he replied. The other man came back and looked at me.

"He's a match. Let's get you feeling better," he said.

"I'm a goddess for crying out loud I'll be fine!" I said with as much strength as I could muster.

"Honey just because you heal quickly doesn't mean that you don't need a little help. You are half human remember," dad said quietly, rubbing my head. I sighed in frustration. No one was going to listen to me so I might as well just forget it. I waited as the man who I had assumed was a doctor at this point took the blood from Steve and inserted a needle into my arm to give me the blood. After he had inserted the IV for the blood, he began to stitch up my shoulder. It didn't take him long but once he was done, I was placed onto a chair by myself to let the blood transfusion finish. Once he was sure that I was ok and that dad was by my side just in case, Steve stood and addressed Fury.

"How the hell are you alive?" he demanded.

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