The End Of An Era

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As we came up through the woods, I took Steve's hand. He looked so amazing in his suit from the war and I had finally decided that I liked this one much better. It was tighter in all the right places and it was much more subtle than the one that SHIELD had given him when he came out of the ice. I smirked at him suggestively and he shook his head, chuckling.

"You have a one track mind today," he said, reaching behind me and slapping my butt. I yelped slightly and he smirked. 

"Ok when you two are done playing grab ass, maybe we can get to work," Sam snapped at us irritably from the shore line. Fury and dad had stayed behind waiting for a signal from Nat and she was waiting to be picked up from the airport already disguised as the councilwoman. She had gone ahead early to explain everything to the real councilwoman and get her on board. Steve and I walked over and we could see the Triskelion in the distance.

"Alia, do you think you can portal us there?" Maria asked as we looked. I looked over the water. I had finally managed to get my portals to about a hundred and fifty mile distance but I could tell this was only ten miles at most. I nodded.

"Anywhere in particular?" I asked. I had seen a majority of the interior of the building so as long as it wasn't somewhere I hadn't been we would be good.

"The control area for satellite and interspace tech," Maria replied. 

"Easy. Just give me a minute. I'll get us outside the door," I replied. I gestured for everyone to step back a little bit and they took a few steps back. "I can't hold it for very long so as soon as it's open go. I'll come through last because I have to hold it open." They nodded and I closed my eyes focusing my energy. I focused on the control room and as I opened my eyes the portal opened. Sam and Maria ran through immediately, Steve hesitating slightly. I nodded, and he ran through. I could feel the portal closing so I stepped through myself, stepping out to a hallway right outside the control room. The portal closed behind us and I leaned against the wall breathing hard.

"You ok?" Steve asked, leaning down to check on me.

"Yeah, I'm ok," I responded. "Normally it's just me but to let others through it takes more energy. I just need a minute to recharge but I will be ok." Steve nodded and stood up. He nodded at Maria and Sam who took out their guns and pointed them at the door. Maria had a little control button in her pocket that she explained would let out a loud signal in the earpieces of everyone inside. All we had to do then was wait for one of them to open the door as none of us had the access codes for the door. After a few seconds we heard footsteps on the other side. I raised my hands channeling my energy through them and raised them at the door as well. The man who opened the door, froze instantly at the sight of us.

"Excuse us," Steve said. He held up his hands and moved aside. We stepped inside and instantly everyone in the room stood up with their hands in the air. They all moved aside and Maria and I walked over to the control panels and got to work while Sam and Steve ushered everyone out of the room. After everyone was out Steve turned and looked at Maria and me.

"I want to say something to the entire building. Can you patch me through?" he asked. Maria and I nodded and she went over and did something on the panel. There was a microphone sticking out of the panel and he walked over to it. I went and stood by his side, smiling at him proudly as he bent over and began to speak.

"Attention all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth," Steve began looking over at me. I nodded vigorously and he took a deep breath before continuing. "SHIELD is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they are in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want; Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there. If you launch those helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high, it always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not." He stood up and stepped away from the control panel.

"Did you write that down first or was that off the top of your head?" Sam said, grinning from ear to ear. I also was smiling broadly. I stepped closer to him and stood up to whisper in his ear.

"You have no idea how hot that was and how turned on I am right now," I whispered, licking the side of his neck. He jumped slightly and blushed a little but smirked down at me. He pulled me in for a kiss that was so passionate and dare I say dirty, that Sam and Maria had to turn away.

"Oh come on," Sam cried, sounding disugusted.

"Normally I wouldn't say anything but I agree with him," Maria said, sounding equally grossed out. Steve pulled away and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"We will finish this later," he promised. I giggled as he pressed a kiss to my neck before standing and looking at Sam. "Alright, time to go. We need to get those targeting blades changed before they launch. And with less than two hours until launch, we need to hurry." Sam nodded. Steve turned to look at me.

"You think you could open a portal and get us where we need to go?" he asked. I nodded. Right before I could start Maria cursed.

"Shit!" she cried out. "They are initiating launch." Steve, Sam and I looked at each other. I needed to get Steve and Sam out there now. I closed my eyes and began to channel my energy again. I focused on the helicarriers and the portal opened as I opened my eyes, Sam gave a small salute before running through. Steve looked at me one last time before running through himself. I waited a few seconds before allowing the portal to close. I lifted a hand to my ear and pressed my comm piece.

"Steve are you guys ok?" I asked, slightly out of breath. 

"Yeah sweetheart, we are good," he replied. "Take a breath and you and Maria stay safe. Maria, don't let my girl do anything stupid." I rolled my eyes and Maria let out a short laugh.

"I make no promises captain," she said chuckling. I turned and smiled at her as I walked over to the control panel. There was a countdown that showed how long we had until the ships reached 3000 feet,

"Alia, you could have gotten us a little closer to the helicarrier," Sam called through comms. I rolled my eyes. 

"I could have let you run and do it on your own," I replied sarcastically. 

"Alright you two cool it," Steve ordered, grunting slightly. I could only imagine that they had engaged some enemies.

"Falcon, status?" Maria asked.

"Engaging," he called back. I turned towards the window and watched. I could see Sam in the distance flying around and taking out different enemies. I turned back to Maria and sat down, my stomach in knots, trying not to let the fear and worry take over.

"Hey Alia, head in the game ok?" Maria said. "I need you here." She reached over and took my hand which surprised me. Maria had never been an overly emotional person, but I could see the worry on her face. I nodded and slid up to the control panel in my chair. 

"Alright Cap, I'm in," I heard Steve say and I let out a sigh of relief. Still no response from Sam though.

"Eight minutes Cap," I said to Steve.

"Working on it," he replied, breathing heavily. After a few minutes, he spoke again. "Alpha lock." Maria and I both released a sigh of relief. 

"Let's not celebrate just yet," I muttered. 

"Falcon, where are you now?" Maria asked. 

"I had to take a detour," he shouted. 

"Come on, come on, come on," i muttered to myself, glancing at the countdown again.

"I'm in," Sam said finally. "Bravo lock."

"Two down, one to go," Maria said, and I pumped the air with my fist excitedly. "Did you just fist pump?" she looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Don't judge me," I replied playfully. She smirked and shook her head. I looked down at the countdown again, excitedly. We might just be able to pull this off.

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