Trip To The Mall

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After what felt like five minutes of sleep, Nat knocked on the door. I groaned as I stirred in Steve's arms. He looked down at me as I stretched and he smiled slightly. I looked up and kissed him. He kissed me back and pulled away.

"We need to get going sweetheart," Steve said. I nodded and tried to get up, but he pulled me back down onto the bed and hugged me. I chuckled.

"And you were the one saying we needed to get going," I scolded. He laughed and let me go. I got up and got dressed and pulled out clothes for him to put on. Normal outfits for a trip to the mall. I walked out into the living room, seeing the damage from the gunshots for the first time. It was a mess. There were huge bullet holes in the wall and the window was smashed from where Steve had jumped through it the night before. I sighed and walked into the kitchen where Nat was waiting.

"How long were we out?" I asked her, getting a few water bottles out of the fridge.

"Four hours," Nat replied. I nodded and stood. "Do you feel a little more rested?" 

"Yeah, I think I'm more mentally exhausted than physically now," I responded, rubbing the back of my neck. Steve came into the kitchen and I handed him a water. He thanked me and downed it. I chuckled slightly. "We need to figure out what is on that drive. Nat what is the plan?"

"You'll see when we get there. Just take us to the mall," she responded. I nodded with a sigh and we headed for the door. I took one last look around the apartment before walking out wondering if I was ever going to be able to come back here. Steve came over to me and took my hand.

"You ok?" he asked. I smiled at him sadly.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just wondering if and when we will be able to come back here. It's quiet and peaceful and I like it here," I said sadly. He squeezed my hand and we walked out the door and down to my car. As I pulled away from the apartment building, I wondered again what we were going to do now. We were fugitives from SHIELD and I couldn't see things changing unless we could figure out what was on this drive. We drove in silence, Steve throwing worried glances my way every few minutes. Finally we made it to the mall. As we stepped out, I had a sudden burst of inspiration. I pulled Steve aside and put his ball cap and my fake glasses on him. He looked at me in surprise.

"Ok you might find the nerdy librarian look hot, but this nerdy hunk thing you have going on with those glasses, has me extremely hot for you right now," I told Steve honestly. He smirked and blushed a little bit. There was a gagging sound behind us and we turned and saw Nat pretending to puke at the back of my car. I rolled my eyes and Steve and I both laughed at her. I pulled up the hood of my jacket and took his hand. Nat led the way into the mall. I could tell that Steve was nervous. He kept looking over our shoulders in worry.  

"First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk," Nat said quietly to us. Steve was still looking around at everything around us, worried. 

"If I run in these shoes, they are going to fall off," he retorted. I snorted out a laugh. He looked down at me and smiled slightly but it disappeared almost instantly. I squeezed his hand and smiled at him when he looked down at me.

"We'll be ok," I promised. "We just be careful and watch each other's backs and we will get through this. We followed Nat until she turned into a store; The Apple Store. Steve looked down at me in confusion but I had a feeling I knew what Nat was up to. It was a little scary, how well I could figure things out with her. She walked over to one of the computers that was on display and began to boot it up. We stood by her side and Steve wrapped an arm around my waist, keeping me close to him.

"The drive has a level six homing program so as soon as we boot up, SHIELD will know exactly where we are," Nat started.

"How much time will we have?" Steve asked, still looking around us.

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