You Came Back To Me

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As I came to, I could hear the unmistakable sounds of helicopter blades. I felt my heart shatter, as I remembered the final moments before I had blacked out. I opened my eyes, tears streaming down my face as I looked around. I saw dad let out a sigh of relief as I sat up. 

"Thank god, you're alright," he whispered, taking me in his arms. As soon as his arms had wrapped around me, I allowed myself to break down. I cried in his arms and he rocked me back and forth. I let out a scream of anguish and dad squeezed me tighter. "I know honey, I know." he held me for what seemed like forever until he reached up to his ear and spoke.

"Go for Coulson," he said. He listened and his face broke out into a look of shock. "Where?" He listened again for a moment and then spoke again. "Alright get him to the hospital and we will meet you there." He looked down at me. 

"What is it?" I asked, in a voice that was almost completely void of emotion. He smiled at me.

"They found him. He's alive," dad said. My head shot up, unable to believe it. "He's in bad shape and needs to be taken to a hospital, but he is alive." I hugged dad tighter and cried some more, this time in relief. Dad leaned up and informed the pilot that we needed to be taken to the hospital. The pilot nodded and we headed to where Steve would be.


Steve had undergone ten hours of surgery to fix the damage that had been caused. He had been shot in the leg, a flesh wound to the arm, and a shot to the abdomen. The abdomen was what they were worried about most but in the end, he ended up being ok. They put him in a room and when they came to find me and dad to tell us we could see him, I ran so fast, I almost knocked over the doctor. As I ran into his room and by his side, I couldn't believe how bad he looked. His face was bruised and he was pale. The doctor explained to me that they would keep him sedated for a few days so that he could heal as much as the serum in his blood would allow him before waking him up. I didn't leave his bedside for two days. I barely slept and I only ate if someone tried to force me. 

The day the doctor decided to take him off of the sedation, Sam came by to sit with me. He brought his bluetooth speaker and connected his phone to it playing the Trouble Man album that he had told Steve about. I laughed slightly.

"What?" Sam asked, smirking. "It's good music, maybe it will wake him up."

"I thought I lost him Sam," I whispered, stroking Steve's hair. Sam sighed and sat down on the other side of the bed. I tried to stifle a yawn behind my hand and failed miserably. Sam laughed.

"Girl lay your head down and get some rest," he ordered, softly. "I'll wake you up if anything changes. You need to rest." I nodded and laid my head down on Steve's bed, allowing sleep to wash over me.


Steve POV

I was vaguely aware of a beeping sound, in the darkness. I frowned slightly. It was really annoying and I was sleeping so peacefully. After a moment, I began to hear voices that seemed familiar. Was I going crazy now? Was I dreaming? I tried to move and felt a sharp pain near my stomach. That shocked me a bit. Dreams weren't supposed to hurt right? I began to open my eyes and it took me a minute to focus as I realized I was in a hospital. I looked over and saw Sam sitting there, reading a book, his brow, furrowed in concentration. I heard music and looked around.

"On your left," I croaked out, my throat feeling a little raw and sore. Sam looked up at me and smiled. 

"Nice to have you back," he said, chuckling. I closed my eyes for a minute and then looked back at him.

"What happened?" I asked. 

"You fell from the helicarrier," Sam explained. "I don't even know how far it was. Forty or fifty feet at least. Bucky almost killed you. You were shot in the leg, and in the abdomen. You were in surgery for ten hours. Alia almost lost it." At the mention of her name, I tried to sit up.

"Where is she?" I asked, struggling.

"She's right there," Sam said pointing to my other side. I looked over and saw her sitting in a chair, her head resting on the bed next to me, snoring quietly. I smiled at her and my heart soared knowing she was right here. "She hasn't left that spot in almost three days."

"What?" I asked. I placed my hand on top of her head and just held it there.

"She barely slept, and we had to force her to eat," Sam explained. It pained me to see that I had put her through that. I smiled as I remembered something from the fight.

"You know, when we were trying to get the helicarriers taken care of, Maria made a comment to Alia that I heard over comms. She said something along the lines of 'It's a wonder you aren't pregnant yet.' And Alia responded with 'Who says I'm not?' In that moment when I thought she was pregnant even for a split second, my heart was so happy and I was excited despite what was going on. I want that with her Sam. I want to marry her and I want a family with her. I don't want to wait any more. I've waited a hundred years to find the love of my life. I'm done waiting." I looked over at Sam and saw that he was smiling. 

"You know you two are disgustingly adorable," Sam said, smirking. "So you're going to propose huh? Never thought that Captain America would ever settle down." 

"If it wasn't her, I probably wouldn't," I replied, looking down at her. "What can I say? We're soulmates. Kind of messed up I had to wait a hundred years to find her though." Sam chuckled. 

"Do you have a plan?" he asked. I nodded.

"I'm going to take her to New York and take her to Coney Island like I did for our first date. Then I'm going to propose on the beach under the stars. But I'm going to need your help for it," I began to explain but stopped as I heard Alia beginning to wake up. I looked over at her and smiled as she looked up at me. It took her a minute to realize that I was awake. As soon as it registered, she leapt to her feet and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her, ignoring the slight twinge of pain in my side as I held her. I truly had been afraid that I wasn't going to make it out of the helicarrier alive.

"You came back to me," she breathed after she had pulled away and was staring into my eyes. I held her face in my hands and chuckled. 

"DId you doubt me sweetheart?" I asked, playfully. She rolled her eyes and I laughed. 

"Do not ever scare me like that again Steven Grant Rogers," she threatened. I gave her a salute.

"Yes ma'am," I replied and she wrapped her arms around me again. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," she replied, sitting back in her chair and taking my hand.

"Why did you not leave while I was asleep?" I asked. She glared at Sam for a second before turning back to me.

"Are you really asking me that question?" she asked, surprised. I nodded and waited for her to continue. She sighed. "I was afraid that if I left you would wake up and I wouldn't be here with you." I rubbed her hand with my thumb and smiled at her.

"You could have at least got more sleep than you did," I admonished her. She smirked and didn't respond, instead bringing our hands to her mouth and kissing my fingers. I sighed, rolling my eyes at her.

"And that is my cue to leave," Sam said, standing. 

"No Sam, it's ok, you can stay," Alia said, looking up at him.

"Oh by the way, Sam, I was going to tell you. I'm taking Alia to New York for a few days. Would you like to come with us?" I asked, looking at him pointedly, trying to remind him that I needed his help for the proposal.

"Yeah, I'm down. Just let me know when, so I can be packed and ready to go," he replied. I nodded.

"As soon as I'm out of here," I replied, looking back at Alia. She looked confused but didn't seem suspicious. Thank god.

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