New Problems

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When we woke up and got dressed the next morning, I could tell that Steve's frustration with Nat and Fury had returned. He was trying to not show it to me, but I knew him too well. I knew what to look for when he was upset. I tried to give him as much space as possible but he wasn't having it. He stayed by my side all morning and didn't even give me a chance to give him space. He put his suit back on from the mission the night before. For some reason when he was at SHIELD headquarters, they wanted him to wear it. It made no sense.

"Are you going to be ok if we take my bike today?" he asked, as we stepped out of our apartment.

"Yeah, that's fine," I responded. I wasn't a huge fan of his motorcycle, but I knew what he was trying to do, so I didn't argue. We both put our helmets on and he revved up the engine. We got on and he took off. He loved being on his motorcycle and he loved me being on it with him. I tried to go with him on it as much as possible, but to be honest, the thing scared me. Thankfully, traffic wasn't bad and a few minutes later we were pulling into the parking garage for the Triskelion. I took my helmet off and hung it on one of the handlebars and fixed my hair. Steve took his off and took my hand. We made our way into the building and toward the elevators. The closer we got to Fury's office, the more I could tell that Steve was upset. When we got to the floor with Fury's office, the anger was practically rolling off of him in waves. I stopped a few doors down from the office and took his face in my hands.

"Breathe baby," I said softly, looking into his crystal blue eyes. "Everything is going to be ok. I promise." He nodded and took a few deep breaths before we walked into Fury's office. Steve squeezed my hand a little and we walked toward Fury's desk.

"You just can't stop yourself from lying can you?" Steve asked him, the frustration clear in his voice.

"I didn't lie, Romanoff had a different mission from yours," Fury said. He was faced toward the window and did not turn as we walked in.

"Which you didn't feel obliged to share," Steve shot back.

"I'm not obliged to do anything. Good morning Agent Fraser," he replied, still not turning to look at us.

"Those hostages could have died Nick," Steve said quietly.

"I sent the greatest soldier in history to make sure that didn't happen," Nick retorted, finally turning to look at us.

"Soldiers trust each other that's what makes them an army. Not a bunch of guys running around shooting guns," Steve said, starting to get aggravated again.

"Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye," Nick replied, standing and staring Steve down. I stood watching them both, wondering what was about to happen. I really hoped that Steve wouldn't say anything he would regret. When he gets angry he has a tendency to say stupid stuff. They just stared at each other for a few moments. Finally Nick spoke again.

"Look, I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with. Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything," he explained.

"He's got a point there honey," I said quietly, looking up at Steve.

"I can't lead a mission, when the people I'm leading have missions of their own," Steve shot out at Fury. 

"It's compartmentalization. Nobody spills the secrets because nobody knows them all," Fury said.

"Except you," Steve spat. I looked up at him, slightly shocked. I had never seen Steve this upset before. Normally, he was very calm and cool in situations like this. 

"You're wrong about me," Fury said. "I do share. I'm nice like that." He stepped away from his desk and walked out into the hallway, beckoning for us to join him. We stepped into an elevator and he began to speak.

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