What Do You Say?

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I looked out the window of the quinjet as we descended into New York. Steve had been released from the hospital a week prior and I had insisted that he rest at home for a few days before we went to New York. The pilot looked over his shoulder and called back to Steve.

"Captain, we are coming up on the Avengers tower," he called. I was excited to see it again. After the battle of New York, it had needed major upgrades and Tony had decided to turn it into a headquarters for the Avengers. There were even living quarters for all of the Avengers because according to Tony, 'It was just easier.' 

The quinjet came in for landing and we disembarked from the jet to see Tony and Bruce waiting for us.

"Agent Fraser, Capsicle," Tony greeted us. I looked up at him pretending to be shocked.

"Tony, since when do you call me Agent Fraser? My friends call me Alia," I said smirking. The last time we had seen each other hadn't been a great encounter but I was over it. Tony looked at me shocked for a minute and pulled me into a hug.

"It's good to see you kiddo," he murmured in my ear. 

"It's good to see you too, Tony," I replied. I stepped back and looked over to Bruce.

"Hey Bruce! How have you been?" I asked, walking over and giving him a hug as well. He seemed a little shocked by the hug, but wrapped his arms around me and smiled. 

"I've been good. It's good to see you," he replied, pulling back and looking at me. Steve shook hands with both Tony and Bruce and introduced Sam. Once we had caught up, we began to walk inside.

"I have a room set up for you all already," Tony informed us as we stepped into the elevator. He pressed a button and in a few short moments it opened again to the living quarters. It was decorated simply, but it was still beautiful. It had a slight woman's touch though.

"Pepper do most of the designing?" I asked Tony, with a chuckle. He shrugged.

"Decorating isn't really my thing unless it has to do with cars and ACDC," he replied and Steve and I chuckled again. He led us to a door and opened it to show a beautiful room with floor to ceiling windows that led to a private balcony. My mouth dropped open and Steve and I walked in.

"It's private, being the only bedroom on this floor. The whole floor is yours. You even have a kitchen and living space but a master bathroom, and a couple of rooms you can use as offices or whatever you want. And a bathroom in the hall for if you have people on your floor. Everything is connected to Jarvis so if you need anything, all you have to do is ask," he explained as Steve and I looked around.

"Tony this is amazing, but I don't understand. What do you mean it's ours?" Steve asked. I was confused too.

"Well with you both being Avengers, and being together, I figured that if you wanted to move in, you would need your own space," he said shrugging again.

"Wait, wait, wait," I said, holding up my hand. "Did you just say with both of us being Avengers?"

"Oh did Nick not tell you?" Tony asked, looking surprised. "We wanted you to officially become an Avenger alongside Capsicle and the rest of us." My mouth dropped open in shock. I had never even thought of it as a possibility.

"Why?" was all I could ask.

"You are an amazing fighter and you helped us kick ass in two years ago when Loki invaded, plus your powers are completely and totally badass, and we really could use your help. We want you to join us. You're part of the family, kid. We all took a vote," Tony said. I looked over at Steve, who nodded.

"What do you say kid?" Tony asked. I stood there for a moment considering. I loved New York and I knew Steve did too. This was home for him and I knew this was where we were meant to be and secretly I had always been jealous of Steve's status as an Avenger.

"I guess there's nothing to say other than yes," I said, grinning. Steve wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up, spinning me around. He set me back down and kissed me hard.

"And that's my cue to leave," Tony said, and Sam and Bruce followed suit. Steve and I broke apart and waved at them as they left.

"So, you're an Avenger now," Steve said sounding excited. "How should we celebrate?"

"How about you don't?" a voice asked before I could respond. We turned to see Nat leaning against the door frame, smirking at us. I rolled my eyes and Steve sighed. 

"Fine," he said, giving in. I looked up at him shocked. It wasn't like him to give in so easily. "Besides, I want to take you somewhere anyway. Get ready and I'll see you in a few minutes." He kissed my cheek and left, Nat giving him a nod as he walked out the door. I was so confused and I just stood there for a moment.

"What are you doing?" Nat asked. "Are you going to just stand there or are you going to get ready?" I snapped out of it as she walked over to my closet. She went in and came out a few moments later with a blue sundress with white stripes. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Why are there clothes in that closet?" I asked her. She grinned. 

"I might have jumped the gun a little when Tony told me you were coming and he was going to tell you about you to being an Avenger," she replied, tossing the dress at me. I walked into the master bathroom which was HUGE by the way with a walk in shower and a deep tub with whirlpool jets. I was definitely going to be using that later. I got dressed and fixed my hair and makeup. I walked back out and Nat whistled at me.

"Rogers is going to swallow his tongue with you looking like that," she laughed and I blushed. "You look amazing. Go on and have fun." And with that she pushed me out the door of my own room, and down the hall toward the living space. Steve was standing by the floor to ceiling windows wearing a new outfit too. He was wearing a new pair of dark jeans with a blue shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Nat cleared her throat and he turned, his mouth opening slightly as he saw me.

"Wow, sweetheart, you look," he started, seeming unable to find the right words.

"Beautiful? Gorgeous? Amazing?" Nat offered. Steve only nodded. 

"Come on Captain, I'm ready to go," I said chuckling. I walked over to him and he held out an arm for me to take, like the classy gentlemen that he was. 

"Oh am I getting 1940's Steve tonight?" I asked playfully, slipping my arm into his. He laughed as we walked over to the elevator. 

"Sweetheart, you have no idea," he said, smiling down at me sweetly.


"You're taking me to Coney Island?" I said excitedly as we got out of the car. He had brought me here for our first date and it had been so much fun. I had been wanting to come back for so long.

"Yeah, is that ok?" he asked, suddenly worried. I walked around to his side of the car and wrapped my arms around him. 

"It's perfect," I replied. 

We had so much fun. It was like he was recreating our first date. We played the same games we loved, and when we rode the ferris wheel again, he kissed me at the top. We laughed and enjoyed each other's company. After a few hours, we began to head out.

"I've had so much fun tonight," I told him, taking his hand in mine. The sun was starting to set and I was ready to go back to the Tower. 

"Me too," Steve said. "Hey wait right here for me, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick." I nodded and stood waiting for him. I looked around and saw a family walk past. The husband and wife were holding hands, their daughter on the father's shoulders, their older son, walking alongside the mom. They were laughing and the kids were telling their parents what they wanted to do next. I smiled, wondering if that would ever be Steve and I. Being Avengers it seemed unlikely to happen anytime soon but it was definitely something that I wanted. I smiled even bigger when I felt Steve's arms wrap around me.

"Hey you ready?" he asked. I nodded. He took my hand in his and we began to walk.

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