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An early beautiful morning. What's more beautiful is that 2 beautiful looking males sleeping under the soft quilt and on the soft mattress which was tore from the bottom. Pillows scattered around the room along with the 2 beauties had their legs tangled. The blue haired male with a cute pout in his sleep had his soft tanned legs on the small pink haired male who was having a tough time to catch his breath.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a black haired male with a angry looking face which showed nothing but a petrifying look. Looks that could literally kill anyone-

"KIM TAEHYUNG AND KIM JIMIN!!!" the black haired male yelled out loud, his  face getting red like a tomato.

two pairs of eyes opened promptly without a sec.

"Jin h-hyung ...ah g-good morn-ing" the pink haired male said stuttering but still trying to hide it with a so called fake smile and a "I am good" looking face while the blue haired male just tried to hide behind the pink one.

"OMG FOR THE SAKE OF MY FRYING PAN U KIDS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUR ROOM" Jin said and slapped his forehead with his left palm while the other hand rested on his waist.

"Umm w-e were kind-a play-ing yesterday and we without knowing ma-de a mess" Jimin said while intertwining his small fingers with the blue haired male who was almost close to crying by seeing Jin's face.

Jin sighed heavily and walked towards the 2 males who were now sitting on the tore pillow cottons. The blue haired male who was tearing up by now stared at him with cute teary puppy eyes. He went towards them, pushed jimin a little so he can sit beside Tae and stop his tears which were continuously falling.

"AH hyung" Jimin said while pouting while touching the part of his arm which Jin pushed on.

"Go downstairs Chim, I will come with tae" Jin said softly. 

"Soo... BTW am I ahh you know forgiven?" Jimin said while rubbing the back of his head nervously in which Jin glared and he ran away, not forgetting to wink at the little baby who was now on Jin's lap hugging him tightly, basically his was of asking for forgiveness. 

Jin sighed heavily and started "Tae baby, I am sorry I shouldn't have shouted... forgive hyung pup?" he said softly making sure not to hurt the sensitive boy who immediately hugged his hyung by wrapping his arms around Jin and kissing his cheeks softly in which Jin smiled at the thought of Taehyung being so forgiving and pure. He always feels the urge to protect his little bro. Not only him but Jimin too. Literally everyone!

He whipped his baby's tears and picked him up from the bed, making him stand on his two tanned and beautiful legs. He whipped his tears with fingers. Tae smiled.

"Lets go baby and fill your tummy" Jin said taking Tae's hand who immediately wrapped his hand around his arms giggling softly.

the reached their dining room only to see Jimin eating with his cheeks puffed. He stopped eating as he heard footsteps and looked up to see a smiling Jin and giggly Tae who were looking at him as if he was the silliest little boy they have ever seen. A fact though!

Tae reached his fingers out and whipped the creams from the pancakes Jimin ate that was sticking on the corner of his lips.

"Silly" Tae said while giggling cutely which made the 2 other males along with the maids smile widely too at his cuteness.

cute isn't he? of course!

of course he is Kim Taehyung bitches~

They sat on their chairs and had their breakfast.

(plz imagine their clothes)

after 10 minutes-

"Lets get ready for your school" Jin said while the 2 other males obeyed since they know the consequence if they don't listen. 

they got ready for school and went inside their bus.

"Hey kid get up I'll sit here"

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