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taehyung was sitting on his bed, boredom reaching its limit as he huffed out loudly and crossed his arm puffing out. he finally gave up on his patience as he decided to call his bestie.

he grabbed his phone dialling Jimin's number when he heard a thud from his window

he looked back as he was taken aback at what he saw...


jungkook's pov:

I was outside with yoongs by my side blowing cigarettes. I inhaled the scent not enjoying it at all. Heck! My baby smelled better!

I harshly threw the cigarette off and smashed it gaining yoongi's attention. I glared at him at what he said next...

"missing your tae baby?" he said mockingly. 

"KeEp My Boyfriend's name OuT oF uR fUcKiNg MoUtH"

well well, I m so done with this shit. periodt.

I felt yoongi giving up as he chuckled at me as if I was a joke to him, probably thinking of me as a livestock puppy. he waved his hand at me finally leaving me alone as I sighed.

I closed my eyes and looked up at the sky thinking about him..

yes him.

Kim Taehyung.

this male has the audacity to drive me crazy istg.

he never leaves my mind. well, not like I want him to leave <3

I opened my eyes quickly a scheme popped into my head which made me almost squeal. 

Literally, squeal. 

A Trueblood squealing. tf-

I promptly ran towards my baby's house to meet him...

back in tae's house:

author's pov-

"kookie?" tae eyes almost popped out as he saw a high bulky man hanging from his window with a bunny smile. 

"help me, baby" realization him tae bringing him back from his thoughts as he dragged himself from bed and went towards jungkook, pulling him in. 

he looked at jungkook who sat on the floor and started rubbing his head. the poor man probably bumped his head on his way. T_T

"aww, kookie~" tae cooed at the big baby alpha, kneeling in front of him slowly crawling on his alpha's lap who didn't waste a minute wrapping his arm around his omega. 

the big alpha pouted cutely making the other male chuckle as he helped the alpha rub his head. he softly pressed a forehead kiss on the Trueblood who purred cutely at his soft loving touches.

tae giggled as he felt jungkook nuzzling his hair and face in his sensitive neck. he rubbed the back of jungkook's neck who almost moaned at the touch. 

at least 10 minutes passed, the 2 lovestick males still cuddling each other making the readers and author sad.


but guess what? 




"Kookie?" "what did u come here baby?" tae asked still having jungkook's arms possessively wrapped around his arms.

"why not?" jungkook said still not ready to leave the small male who almost couldn't breathe. 

"ya exactly why not" tae replied as he realized why couldn't his mate come to see him? well of course he can. he has the right.

"u know what?" jungkook spoke out suddenly looking straight into tae's eyes who looked at him confused, he continued...

"lets get married"... "I want to be with u".... "always"


"jungkook let's take our time baby"

"Time can't stop me from marrying u" "I'll kill time for u"

"well it's been just 4 months we met kookie" tae cooed unconsciously at his sulking alpha.

"But I want to do so many things taeeee~~ don't u wanna...

move in with me? go on a date with me? have babies with me? get old with me? die with me? go hell-"

"omg jungkook stop!" "baby u r rambling"

"cuddle me tae, kookie tired"

and who was taehyung to say no.

well, it's just another day of jungkook having "marrying" mood swing for taehyung. its nothing new for this couple.

hard to believe but Trueblood Jungkook has become taehyungs baby in less than 4 months. 

the alpha loved his omega more than anything. 

taehyung officially became one of his basic needs to survive.

(food, water, shelter, taehyung, education, healthcare etc" all but TAEHYUNG in bold.


(653 words)

hope u guys like this chapter<3

plz vote and give lots of comments for the next update.

love you~~~~

THE DOMINANT TRUEBLOOD// Vkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now