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There stood a dangerous, hot-looking Trueblood who was sweating, dripping wet from head to toe.



Jungkook came in and met with the sight of Tae being hugged by some lowlife alpha and seeing him smile with his pretty bread cheeks to not him but some other alpha made him SOO mad, he could kill anyone.

"GET OFF MY MATE" saying that the Trueblood ran towards the Alpha who was too stunned to speak. 

Going towards them, jungkook snatched taehyung away from the alpha and moved him to a corner. he grabbed Kai and threw him across the room who was met with a loud thud on the door.

"k-koo" tae whispered his hand tightly clutching his shirt buttons utterly scared out of his mind. 

tae was so shocked seeing his mate beating the shit out of the guy who was being so nice to him. he started sobbing loudly.

jungkook was beating the shit out of Kai who couldn't fight back. his mind was filled with only one thing. one person.


"tae" jin rushed into the room only to find his bro sitting in a corner, crying.

he went towards him and kneeled down, hugging his brother who was shivering at his mate's violence.

"jungkook" jin called out trying to warn him about tae. but jk just kept fighting Kai.


jin screamed louder to get his attention which successfully happened...

"UR SCARING HIM" jin added which immediately stopped jk. He turned back only to find his mate crying hysterically. throwing kai harshly on the floor, he ran towards tae, slightly pushing jin away who rolled his eyes. 

"Babay~" jk cooed at his mate who opened his eyes slowly meeting jk's eyes.

jk frowned when tae looked away from him and peeked at the back, looking for someone?

the confusion soon turned into rage and jealousy when he noticed tae looking for KAI. 

"Taehyung' jk warned hands tightening on tae's both arms.

"he is hurt" TAE whispered still shivering. eyes tearing up again as he saw the poor man laying on the floor bleeding and breathing heavily.

jk growled loudly scaring his mate. his blood boiled seeing his mate's eyes pitying someone who tried to take his mate away from him.

"he is a bad guy taehyung, he deserved it," jk said controlling his wolf who howled in sadness, anger and jealousy seeing his mate care more about the alpha's wound than his.

"WHY DO U HAVE TO BE SO VIOLENT JUNGKOOK, U MONSTER" tae screamed out angrily totally pissed off at his mate's short temper.

saying this he pushed jk's hands away from him who slightly flinched. jk was too stunned to speak, seeing his mate push him away was not what he expected. He wanted to hug tae tightly after rescuing him from his kidnapper. but getting yelled at was definitely not what he thought. 

he saw taehyung limping toward the lying male who breathed heavily, his head and nose bleeding. slowly kneeling down tae tore a piece of cloth from his own shirt that KAI gave him, and bandaged his head, slowly rubbing off the blood from his nose. 

on the other hand, KAI was on cloud 9. even after getting beaten up by his lover's mate, it was all worth it. having his love bandaged him was the best feeling. he so wanted jk hurt him more so taehyung could touch him a little longer.

"I m sorry" tae uttered to kai who gulped when tae pouted, cheeks red.

jk was in a daze on the other hand, he didn't know what he was feeling. he could cry right now. and he did.

jin noticed a jk's eyes shined with sparkles of tears of frustration, grief and jealousy as he just stared at his mate's immense care towards his kidnapper.

he remembered taehyung calling him a monster. he couldn't digest those words he hated. even still he wanted the care from his mate. he wished taehyung would hug him tightly and thank him for saving him. 

a warm tear slipped him eyes, he clenched his fists tightly digging his nails in his palm as he witnessed him mate sitting CLOSE to kai, rubbing off the blood from his nose, gently. he noticed how kai stared at him mate, with so much love?

he hated it so much he could die.

tae stood up now observing the room. while 2 eyes still stared at him. one with love and happiness, while the other was breaking from inside.

tae felt a hand wrap around his waist tightly and a big face near the crook of his neck. He sighed knowing very well who that was. as he was about to remove the big arms from his waist. his eyes widened feeling water on his neck. was jungkook crying? the thought itself made him teary too.

"jungkook?" tae whispered trying to turn around but jk just kept hugging and sniffing him. A tear slipped from tae's eyes too as he heard his mate's slow and soft hiccups and sobs.

"I m sorry baby" jk whispered between the sobs.

"I don't want to be the villain in your life my love" he added heart clenching.

jk slowly turned tae to face him and stared at him for 10 sec before slowly bringing his face towards him, touching their nose.

tae closed his eyes at the intimacy. hands clutching on jk's shirt which was soaked in kai's blood.

"I am hurt too honey" jk muttered softly, pouting unknowingly. hurting someone's heart to the core. bringing tae's other palm towards his cheeks he rubbed against it. eyes shut at the feeling of soft hands on his face unlike his which are rough comparing to the omega.

"Love me taehyung" jk said desperately

"don't push me away" he added

jk said trying to put his feelings into words. he so wanted his mate's touch desperately.

"don't touch him with the hands that belong to me" jk said with a soft hiccup

"kookie" tae softly called his mate. he regret calling him a monster when he knows his mate is nothing but a simp for only him.

"I m sorry, u r not a monster baby" 

"mmm" jk just replied now nuzzling his nose in tae's neck.

"lets go home both of u" jin said third wheeling.

"hyung? ok" tae replied.

"lets go home kookie, we can talk later baby" tae said softly caressing jungkook's hair who moaned nuzzling deeper into tae's hair hands circling around tae's waist.

both of them forgot about someone, who was dying of jealousy. 

Kai who was witnessing everything slowly escaped from there without anyone knowing. 

One thing was sure, 

He will make sure he gets the only thing he ever wanted in this world. no matter what.


words- 1095

lemme know how u like this chapter

btw do u guys prefer jealous jungkook (top) or jealous taehyung (bottom)?

if u want u can suggest me stuff u want me to put in the next chapter. <3

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