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a beautiful mansion with a handsome leader. full of handsome men, who are desperately waiting for their mates. longing to be someones. longing to call someone theirs. but when will the time come? sooner or later, someday.

early morning:

handsome men sleeping on the soft black mattresses looking handsome as hell. breathing heavily filling his lungs up with fresh air. he groaned hardly, stretching his popping muscles in the air. he blinked his eyes rapidly as he yawned at the same time.

 a beautiful morning it is!

welcoming a handsome man who stood up from his bed ruffling his messy hair. his gaze quickly hardening as always. 

cold and possessive

that's what his nature was like. he hated everyone except his hyungs who have always stood up for him in times of need. and mate? well, he might say he doesn't need a mate but deep inside his longings and desires increase every day, every second.

"ughhh" he groaned taking out his feet from inside the quilt. 

he went to the washroom doing his morning routine, freshening up as he got ready for meeting his hyungs.

(imagine him with a black suit and long curled hair, looking daddy material.( STFU-)

he went downstairs seeing his 2 hyungs waiting for him so that they can go simultaneously.

"u ready kook" namjoon said with a hard face.

"ya," jk said not interested in the conversation.

"let's go then," yoongi said.

(they all are wearing suits)

they walked towards their car and had their seats. they started their journey.

it was definitely going to be a long day...

but boring as always. or is it?

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