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hi everyone!

thanks for waiting <3

my exams finally ended so I decided to write new chapters as promised.

BTW do you guys read BL Manga/Manhwas?



the door opened with a loud thud, breaking it into pieces-


Authors pov:

there stood an alpha male with long black curly hair, looking fiercely at the other alpha. His fangs came in view as he spoke those words in his alpha tone sending shivers down the other alpha male's spine. Taehyung cowered himself down submitting to "The Dominant Alpha" in front of him. 

in no time the strong alpha threw himself over the other one, harshly choked his neck while gritting his teeth in anger. 

His omega needed him.

Someone touched his omega.

His eyes glowed a bloody red. As If looks could kill.

Minho's face turned red as he couldn't come in contact with oxygen. This alpha was way stronger than an alpha should be. The pheromones from these 2 alphas made it hard for the little omega to breathe. The omega curled himself in a ball scared for his life.


there came a short kid (sorry T_T) panting heavily breaking the other part of the door. 

"Chimmieee" the little omega on the floor ran towards his friend, literally crawling. 

"My baby~" Jimin ran towards the crying omega taking him in his calm embrace as he chanted sweet words to his baby friend. The omega clung to his chest scared to be taken away. Poor omega wouldn't even dare to look at the other two. 

his peace didn't last when a rough hand pulled him towards someone caging him in his arms hermetically. 

"My omega" the alpha spoke in a dominating tone claiming what him in a possessive manner.

Jimin was too shocked to say anything. A crying Taehyung pulled in beast-like alphas chest and behind that almost-dead ass Minho laying on the floor with a choking mark on his neck. his small brain wasn't processing anything.

the alpha realized his calming pheromones helping his omega to breathe. That was probably the 1st time Taehyung was calm in some random alphas embrace. he promptly hugged the alpha asking for more. 

this scene was such beauty for the alpha. a sudden wave of pleasure ran across his body at the simple touch from his omega. the sudden affection he craved for years. his eyes turned back to normal green eyes. he possessively hugged his omegas inhaling the sweet smell. softly kissing his forehead, the alpha slowly made his omega stand, growling loudly at the others in the room. 

"wtf," said a tRuSfRaTeD jimin.

picking taehyung up in a bridal style, he got out of the bathroom. he felt his omega wrapping his arms around his neck. 

his wolf howled in joy at the sight of his omega accepting him.

he stopped at an empty classroom making his omega sit on a table who blushed madly. 

"My omega" the alpha tilted his head to both sides of the omega's cheeks, kissing it softly. 

"mine" another loving kiss on his forehead and nose bopping it softly. 

"only mine" he claimed his lips protectively wrapping his other arms around his omega. he felt his omega touching his chest softly clutching his shirt. the way he held the other was as gentle as we are with something precious.  

"What's your name moonlight?" 

the omega blushed and smiled with his bread cheeks, which the alpha couldn't help but kiss softly. 


"Beautiful name for a beautiful omega," his alpha said proudly at the fact his omega talking to him.

"I'm Jungkook baby, your, mate, my love," he said seeing his omega showing him puppy eyes which probably meant he wanted to know his name.

"Thank you Jungkook" taehyung said looking down shyly making jungkook coo at his behaviour.

"I want to know you more baby boy, lets go home"

"But we have class"

"your mine"


"your mine"

"yes I know"

"your mine baby" "say it beautif-"

"YES! YES! all yours alpha kook! all yours!"

and... that's it, our tae tae lost him shit-


words- 671

I hope you guys like this chapter, IDK if its too short but ig its enough 

plz comment and vote i love you all :)

THE DOMINANT TRUEBLOOD// Vkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now