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someone has shot inside the mansion from outside.

a bullet went straight through something... more like someone.


IU fell on the cold floor, dying on spot. She closed her eyes as blood flowed down her chest to the Floor.

"WTF" jin yelled immediately shutting down the windows as jk followed.


"sir someone attacke-d"

"we fucking know goddamit"
Jin yelled as his hand rushed through his hair tightening his grip.

"tae" jk suddenly mumbled eyes wide.

"taehyung" jk repeated now more clearly.

"fuck it" Jk threw the fork on the table which flew to God knows where.

Jin and jk ran towards tae's room not caring about the dead body of IU.


"taehyung... Baby!" jk broke the door of his room searching for his mate...

"tae" Jin mumbled.
"Omg" Jin said as he saw the view in front of him.

There were quilts torn off, windows open and what not.

The whole room was a mess.

But they didn't care.

All they needed to process was that... There baby wasn't here anymore.

Taehyung is missing.


"baby... I m s-orry m-y lo-ve we h-ad to t-ell u to le-ave, pls come back"
jungkook said voice cracking as he tightened his grip on himself, fisting his palms,veins popping.

"I should have been careful dam it" Jin said rubbing his forehead tears wheeling up in his eyes,blurring his vision.

But jk stood there staring at the bed which smelled like taehyung. He wanted to see him
so bad...

as bad as he wanted to breathe.

"come back"
JK mumbled.


"FUCKING COME BACK KIM TAEHYUNG, U CAN'T LEAVE OMG" JK lost his control, he was out of hand.

His wolf howled in possessiveness, rage and sorrow. Getting him out of Hand.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" jk screamed finally tears flowing from his eyes as he scratched his face hard leaving a red mark.

He needed taehyung to breath, he needed to smell his mate. His alpha instinct instantaneously told his his mate was in danger.

He wanted to save him, and he will.

"Jin prepare the car"

"wdym jk u don't even know where he is?" Jin said.

"ik... I think I do"


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THE DOMINANT TRUEBLOOD// Vkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now