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hello guys, are any of you still reading this book? T_T 

plzz tell me...


tae ran through the hall of the school with jimin by his side trying to catch up with his tiny legs <3

"Kimm Taehyung u mf slow down omg!" jimin yelled from the back not knowing whats the hurry.

"Jiminiee we have to hurry! kookie must be waiting for me!"

"oh god help" 


they ran towards the main gate of the school and tae smiled brightly as he saw jungkook, standing beside his black car, wearing a black leather jacket with tight black jeans that sticked perfectly on his thick thighs. he additionally wore a black hat and black shoe totally making him look "Boyfriend material".

taehyung thought for some moment if he was really HIS mate and how he was so lucky. 

He was his alpha after all.

he shook his head throwing away his dirty thoughts in his cute brain and promptly ran towards jungkook smiled brighter than the sun after he noticed tae and brought his arms forward for tae to run into. and taehyung did. 

the couples hugged each other tightly with jungkook nuzzling his face inside tae's neck, rubbing tae's back with one hand and his other hands gropping on taebooty.

tae's face turned red as he giggled at his clingy boyfriend. 

not like he was embarrassed -_-

"I missed you honey"

"kookie you always have a nickname for me don't ya?" tae said giggling melting someone's kokoro.

"ya ofc babyboy, u are my honey and I am your bee. I cant stop myself when i see you" jungkook said smirking still holding tae in his possessive hold. 

tae blushed furiously at this.

"shut up.... idiot" tae said hiding his face in jungkook's chest making kook want to squeeze him to death.

but it stopped when someone came from the back, grabbing tae's left arm and brought him out of jungkook's tight hold. the pull was rough. too rough according to jungkook's liking. he immediately looked up angrily to see who has the audacity to do so.

there was taehyung. his tae on some other man's arm who stared at tae with a book on his hand. he was ready to throw hands when....

"Sir SEO JOON?" why are you here?" tae asked totally confused at his teacher. his favourite teacher.

"uh taehyung actually you dropped your book at the class so i brought it" Seo joon said rubbing the back of his head with his hand. 

"oh thank you sir" tae said smiling happily bowing to his teacher.

"you welcome tae, make sure u don't forget thing next time hmm?" seo joon said about to ruffle tae's hair but his hands very harshly slapped of, basically was about to get thrown off his body by jungkook as he felt him grabbing on his shirt aggressively. 

jungkook stared right straight into seo joons eyes fiercely.

jungkook stared right straight into seo joons eyes fiercely

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he spoke...

" to touch my mate" the voice was not was his wolf who was way more possessive over tae than he was himself. 

"wth let go!"seo joon shouted tryna get free from the grip;.

"kookie stop!" tae yelled at jungkook scared at the sudden change in behaviour. it was his first time seeing his dear mate like that.

"stay out of it kim" jungkook's wolf spoke venomously making taehyung submit to him promptly. his eyes got teary at this. no one has ever done to him like that. 

he clapped his palm with one hand as his other hand clutched his shirt tightly when he saw jungkook throwing two strong punches, one after another at his teacher. he shut his eyes hermetically as he saw SEO joon about to throw a hit back at his mate but he heard a crack and opened his eyes rapidly only to see jungkook twisting SEO joons fit backwards his eye bright red. SEO joon hissed, and his eyes turned yellow. he was a beta after all. 

he was taken weak towards this huge dominant trueblood.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY MATE?" jungkook said kicking SEO joon on his stomach repeatedly.

he stopped when he head soft cries coming from the back. it sounded too familiar. he immediately stopped, turning back and what he saw broke his heart. there was tae crying his eyes out too scared to open his eyes. its his first time seeing such violence. 

"my mate~"jungkook cooed moving towards taehyung as he bent down slowly bringing his hand forwards wiping away the tears. it was still his wolf. 

"why?" tae smoke softly sobbing.

"wdym why? didn't you see he was about to touch you, my mate?" his wolf spoke getting mad again. 

"you shouldn't have done that to sir wolfiee." tae said softly, cutely pouting at his mate.

"don't you dare take his side kim" jungkook's wolf uttered.

jungkook picked tae up from the floor wrapping his hands tightly around him protectively, taking him inside the car.

"why would you do that kookie?" tae asked with his round teary puppy eyes staring at kook.

"because you're my PRIZED POSSESSION taehyung. My only want and need in this world." jungkook said with a deep voice. he continued " And you know very well, I don't like my things being touched by some fucking strangers" and with that, he smashed his lips roughly on tae's, kissing him deeply who shuddered at the dominance.

SEO Joon was long forgotten XDD



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