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WARNING: the chapter contains slight physical activities


"Kookie say aaahh" taehyung brought the spoon closer to jungkook's face who immediately brought his mouth forward.

"aaahhh" and the food went in jungkook's mouth who moaned at the test.

the food was already good and taehyung sitting on his lap and feeding him was like a cherry on top.

if uall are wondering what is happening, its been 1 week after that incident and taekook has been closer than ever. to taehyung, he thinks jungkook has gotten a lot clingier and insecure, he would stick to him wherever he goes and ask if he is good-looking or not.

"baby?" jungkook said pecking his mate's cheeks

"hmm?" taehyung replied softly caressing jungkook's shoulder, neck, chest, while resting his head on another shoulder, both legs spreading on either side of his mate's body. 

"u won't leave me right?" jungkook murmured.

"what? what makes you think that kook?" taehyung said now sitting straight on his lap, brows twitched.

"just answer me" jungkook said pouting.

"ofc kook why would think that way, I am literally your mate. whatever happened that day forget it, its over" tae comforted jungkook who hummed nuzzling his face in his mate's boobies.

"pervert" tae giggled, blushing.

"ur pervert"


after that day, tae and jin had a conversation in the middle of the night as junkook was sleeping.

jin explained everything to his brother who shed crocodile tears after hearing about jungkook's immense concern and kinda creepy behaviour when he didn't find tae in his room.

but for taehyung, he found it cute and caring.

jin's explanation gladly helped him change his mind about Kai, which jungkook was very grateful about to jin.



a hand sneaked under the omegas shirt who shivered at the contact. taehyung sat on jungkook's lap, both having a good movie night in their bedroom. but no one could blame jungkook, who can focus on a disney movie when kim taehyung is on their lap,

 but no one could blame jungkook, who can focus on a disney movie when kim taehyung is on their lap,

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that too looking like this.

jungkook was hard asf, 

him being taller than taehyung so when taehyung sat on his lap he could see the round boobies and cleavage, looking for him

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him being taller than taehyung so when taehyung sat on his lap he could see the round boobies and cleavage, looking for him. the slim waist nd short dress with those tight long socks wasn't helping at all.

then he lost it...

taehyung was giggling about the movie unaware of his bf's situation.

jungkook smirked...

his hands slowly made his way to tae's inner exposed thighs, he caressed them softly before giving them a slap and a tight squeeze. 

"ahh kook" a moaned escaped from the bottom.

without saying anything his hands moved again from his thighs to upwards...slowly going up as he dragged the pink shirt up along. jungkook's hands sinfully touched every single part of tae's body hips, waist then boobs. slightly massaging tae's boobs and grabbing them roughly causing them to plump up. 

taehyung gripped jungkook's thighs hardly moaning his bf's name still

"aaah jungkook"

"hmm?" jungkook seductively whispered in his mate's ears slowly licking his earlobes. he removed his hair from his neck and started roughly sucking on tae's neck.

taehyung was a moaning mess...jungkook was now in front of him, still sucking on his neck while his other hand squeezed his round boobs.

jungkook was now in front of him, still sucking on his neck while his other hand squeezed his round boobs

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(ignore the dresses here)

both of them were making out.

jungkook suddenly stopped and looked at taehyung. who started at him with a flushed face, eye teary face red. he slowly sipped his hand in his panties earning a gasp. instead of opening it jungkook just pulled taehyung down and laid him on bed by pulling on his ass.

"fuck ur ass taehyung" jungkook groaned still gripping on his mate's ass.

"jungkook ahhh"taehyung moaned again when jungkook just pulled his hips up joining them together with his dick.

"jungkook ahhh"taehyung moaned again when jungkook just pulled his hips up joining them together with his dick

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(just imagine them in this position and in different clothes)

erotic stuffs stopped when jungkook slowly brought his forehead closer to taehyung's forehead and attacked them together...while both were still too excited. one had a painful buldge while the other was crying cause of the immense pleasure and wetness.

but jungkook wasn't a man who would do shits without consent...

he knew taehyung wasn't in the state to make the correct decision.

"lets stop here cupcake, I wont be able to stop if we continue" jungkook said connecting their forheads.

"hmm" taehyung said still trying to catch his breath.

"I love you koo~"Tae whispered.

"I love you too sweetcheeks" jungkook replied, with a soft squeeze on tae's right boob who whimpered, glaring at his pervert bf.


uall don't leave without voting and letting me know if u like this chapter.

wanted to go for extreme lmao.

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