chapter 4

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Nathalie woke up at 6:00pm that very day and she started feeling nauseous and her stomach was hurting is well. half an hour went by and she started feeling worse so she quickly ran out of the door and headed towards the bathroom, where Gabriel quickly followed her when Nathalie reached the bathroom she threw up her lunch, as Nathalie was throwing up Gabriel rubbed smooth circles on her back. When Nathalie finished throwing up she wiped her mouth clean and Gabriel picked her up and carried her back to his bedroom and he placed her gently back on his bed and then he got Nathalie a glass of water and asked if she was ok. Nathalie said no I’m not ok so Gabriel asked her what’s wrong, Nathalie told Gabriel that her stomach hurts so Gabriel got her a hot water bottle and he carefully put it on her stomach for 10 minutes while she was laying down after that he asked Nathalie if she felt any better and Nathalie said no she feels worse so Gabriel decided to go to the bathroom and run a nice warm bath for Nathalie to soak herself in. When the bath was ready Gabriel told Nathalie that a nice warm bath might help ease the pain so Gabriel helped Nathalie out of bed and carried her towards the bathroom and then he leaned her against the bath tub and when Nathalie was taking her blazer off she started feeling dizzy and she said that she needs help taking the rest of her clothes off so Gabriel helped Nathalie take off her shoes, sweater and trousers he then undid Nathalie's hair ties letting her hair fall behind her shoulders.
Gabriel started blushing when he noticed how beautiful Nathalie looked just standing there with her hair down and the only thing she was wearing was pants and a bra. Gabriel noticed how thin and skinny Nathalie was but when he started taking off her bra he saw her boobs and they just looked so juicy he was eager to bite them and when he was taking off her pants he saw her pussy and he was tempted to stick his dick in to her.
Wait what I’m I thinking I can only do that to Emilie because I love her but do I love Nathalie now instead.
When Nathalie was fully undressed he helped her in to the bath and then he left her for half an hour so he can let her relax and when half an hour was up Gabriel drained all the water from her bath and he helped Nathalie out of the bath tub. Gabriel helped Nathalie with her bath robe that fitted around her slim body and he wrapped a towel around Nathalie's hair and then he picked her up and took her to his room where he dried and brush her hair and he helped her change in to clean pants, bra and pyjamas he then slept in the same bed as her still thinking about how his feelings for Nathalie have changed since his wife died.

miraculous gabriel x Nathalie happily ever after Where stories live. Discover now