chapter 9

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The next day Gabriel and Nathalie were working in their offices, when Gabriel told Nathalie that he has a surprise for her in their room, so Gabriel lead Nathalie into their room and Gabriel locked the door behind them.
When the door was locked Gabriel told Nathalie to open her eyes, when her eyes were open, Gabriel layed her on to their bed and Gabriel started saying I love you and only you Nathalie and that no one could replace her in a seductive tone. Which made Nathalie blush and Gabriel looked into Nathalie's beautiful deep ocean blue eyes and he started kissing Nathalie on the lips and as the kisses deepened Nathalie started to moan and Nathalie's moan was so satisfying Gabriel started kissing her from her neck all the way down to her collar bone, leaving marks on her soft skin making her moan even more.

When Gabriel started taking Nathalie's blazer, sweater, shoes and trousers off he started sucking the fabric on top of her boobs. He started kissing Nathalie on her stomach to her lady parts and he took off her bra leaving her just in her pants. Gabriel started playing with her nipples and sucking them. When Nathalie leaned forward she ended up laying down on top of Gabriel and they deeply kissed each other and every time they parted from their kissing, Nathalie would be panting and Gabriel took Nathalie's pants off.
Nathalie was just laying there completely naked, while Gabriel took his shoes, trousers, blazer, tie, t-shirt, and vest off leaving him in just his boxers.

Gabriel was looking for the entrance and when he found the entrance he stuck his finger in to Nathalie's pussy. Nathalie was biting her lower lip and when Gabriel stuck another finger into her. Nathalie started screaming in pain and then Gabriel stuck another finger into her, and Nathalie was screaming in even more pain don't put another finger in said Nathalie, I don't think you can take another one said Gabriel. When Gabriel was thrusting 3 of his fingers into Nathalie's entrance, moving his fingers around in her tight pussy, making her moan, when Gabriel took his fingers out of her pussy he put them in his mouth tasting the sweet liquid that she produced.

Gabriel started feeling uncomfortable so Nathalie said is someone uncomfortable, do you want to make me comfortable Gabriel replied, with pleasure Nathalie responded.

Nathalie started taking Gabriel's pants off and when she saw his dick she gasped and said how is that going to fit in to me, don't worry I'll start of slowly Gabriel said and Gabriel started to play around with his dick and then he thrust his dick into Nathalie's pussy going deeper and deeper with every push.

Nathalie was screaming in pain she had never felt someone so big inside her before. Your so tight Nathalie.

Gabriel went as deep as he could into Nathalie's pussy until he couldn't go any further and when he took his dick out, they both started to ejaculate.
When their liquids stopped pouring out of their bodies, they both went into the bathroom and decided to take a bath together as their legs were aching.
After their bath they both went into their bedroom and Nathalie dried her hair, once it was dried, they turned the lights off and went to bed, sleeping nakedly while cuddling each other, and all of their clothes scattered on the floor.

miraculous gabriel x Nathalie happily ever after Where stories live. Discover now