chapter 14

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Gabriel woke up around 10:00am to see Nathalie still fast asleep, wow she must be super exhausted from yesterday, Gabriel had a shower, got dressed and ate breakfast then he started to work in his office. When Gabriel checked the time it was already 11:30am, so he went to check on Nathalie, When he got to their room he saw Nathalie still fast asleep, so Gabriel tried to wake her up.
When Nathalie woke up, she groaned and asked Gabriel to give her 5 more minutes, but you've been asleep for ages, come on Nathalie I thought you wanted to decorate the nursery today.

Did you forget that our little cherry is growing in my tummy, which causes a lot of changes in my body and the more changes there are, the more exhausted my body will be. At least you didn't have to wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning to use the toilet as my bladder gets full, much quicker than yours. Gabriel then got into bed and snuggled up really close to Nathalie and said I know pregnancy is the most painful and exhausted time in a women's life, well after having periods of course but your a really strong women Nathalie and your doing an amazing job at looking after our little cherry, no matter how much pain she'll cause, Nathalie then lightly pecked Gabriel cheek and said let me rest for a bit, take my vitamins, brush my teeth and brush my hair and then we can get started on the nursery. Gabriel nodded in agreement, are you sure you want to decorate the nursery while your in your pyjamas? Yeah, Nathalie replied because I can't be bothered getting dressed.

Once Nathalie finished resting, she went to the toilet and started constipating due to the baby she was carrying, she took her vitamins, brushed her teeth and then brushed her hair once she was finished doing her hair and tied it up in a high pony, she came out of the bathroom and told Gabriel that we can start decorating the nursery, but Gabriel said not until you've had a little something to put into your stomach as you are feeding for 2 after all. So Nathalie went to the kitchen and grabbed a chocolate bar from the cupboard and started munching on it, when Nathalie finished eating the chocolate bar, they called adrien to help them decorate the nursery.

When they entered the nursery it was filled with cardboard boxes, so Nathalie, Gabriel and adrien opened up all the boxes, but when it came to actually building the nursery Nathalie was not aloud to participate because of how far long she was in her pregnancy, it took adrien and Gabriel a good hour, but they finally finished the nursery and when they were done they waited for Nathalie to come out of the bathroom, when Nathalie came out of the bathroom she could hear Gabriel and adrien calling her, so she went to see what was up, when she found Gabriel and adrien they showed her the nursery and it looked amazing.

The nursery looked like this:

The nursery looked like this:

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miraculous gabriel x Nathalie happily ever after Where stories live. Discover now