chapter 21

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While both Nathalie and Gabriel were cuddling on the sofa Gabriel told Nathalie that while he was changing Charlotte, he saw a little bit of blood in her diaper, that's probably because she has an umbilical stump infection, but maybe for the time being you should feed Charlotte and I should change her, when Charlotte woke up crying Nathalie picked her up while Gabriel was getting Charlotte milk bottle with the antibiotic dissolving in the milk ready and once Gabriel had fed and burped Charlotte, Nathalie took her into the bathroom to change her diaper.

Nathalie undid Charlotte diaper and she saw the amount of blood that was in her diaper, which was only a little bit, Nathalie started to clean the blood with a wipe and once the blood was cleaned up, Nathalie put a light pressure on Charlotte's tummy, hoping to ease the bleeding and after 10 seconds of light pressure on Charlotte's tummy, Nathalie put a new diaper onto her and she put her to sleep in her crib and once Charlotte fell asleep, Gabriel and Nathalie got into bed and they both fell asleep is well.

Gabriel would always feed Charlotte her milk with the antibiotic in it and Nathalie would change her diaper that had a little bit of blood, after 10 days Charlotte got better and Nathalie went back to breastfeeding and Gabriel would be changing Charlotte diaper that didn't have any blood. Gabriel took Charlotte's clothes and diaper off and Nathalie took her crop top off just encase Charlotte splashes her with water, once Charlotte was completely naked and Nathalie was completely shirtless, Nathalie put Charlotte into the bathtub.

while Charlotte was playing around in the bathtub, she accidentally splashed water onto Nathalie bra, so Nathalie had to take her bra off, Gabriel was also in the bathroom just encase Nathalie needed him and once he saw Nathalie unclasping her soaking wet bra, he walked up to her and he wrapped his hands around her breasts and Charlotte splashed water onto Gabriel trousers, so Gabriel had to take his trousers off, Nathalie washed Charlotte's hair and body and once she was done, Gabriel took her out of the bathtub and he dried her with a towel before putting her diaper and clothes on, while Gabriel was putting Charlotte's clothes onto her Nathalie was draining the bathtub.

Gabriel put Charlotte to sleep in her crib and once she was asleep, Nathalie went to the toilet and she brushed her teeth and once Gabriel went to the toilet and he brushed his teeth, Nathalie started taking her trousers and pants off as she was already shirtless and braless, thanks to Charlotte for splashing water on her, Gabriel started taking his shirt, vest and pants off as he wasn't wearing any trousers, thanks to Charlotte for splashing water on him. Once both Gabriel and Nathalie were completely naked they took a shower together and when they were done with their shower, they both got into their pyjamas and they tried their hair, before getting into bed.

Once they were in bed Nathalie started saying You know what Gabriel, I'm so lucky to have fell in love with you as you are a kind and beautiful man and know we have a mature, responsible son and a beautiful daughter, I couldn't have asked for anything more, your welcome Nathalie and you know what Nathalie, I'm so lucky to have fell in love with you as you are a loyal and graceful woman and know we have a mature, responsible son and a beautiful daughter, I couldn't have asked for anything more, no problem Gabriel and they both embraced themselves into a hug and they both passionately kissed each other and they all lived happily ever after.

                       THE END

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