chapter 19

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After 2 weeks Charlotte umbilical stump started to dry and fall off, looks like someone's about to have her very first shower Nathalie cooed, while Gabriel was taking Charlotte clothes and diaper off, Nathalie started taking her shirt, trousers and pants off and she was unclasping her bra as she was going to have a shower with Charlotte.

Once both Nathalie and Charlotte were naked, Nathalie started turning the tap on, letting the water run, Gabriel was standing in the bathroom with them just encase Nathalie needed him, but he stood away from the shower.

Nathalie took Charlotte with her into the shower, once she checked that the water was warm enough, when Charlotte stepped into the water she started giggling as she liked how the warm water felt on her skin, Nathalie let Charlotte play with the water for a bit and after a while Charlotte started to become a little fussy and she was clinging onto Nathalie's leg crying.

It's ok little girl, Nathalie tried to sooth Charlotte as best as she could, but nothing was working and she ended up crying even more, Nathalie picked Charlotte up and she handed her to Gabriel, Gabriel wrapped a towel around Charlotte's body and Gabriel started bouncing Charlotte up and down in the air trying to make her smile but it didn't work, so Gabriel just held her tight.

While Gabriel was holding Charlotte, Nathalie started to apply the hair removal cream on her body and she started shaving it with a razor and when she was done shaving, she started to wash her hair and body, when she was done, she tied a bath robe around her body and a towel on her head.

When Nathalie came out of the shower, her, Gabriel and Charlotte went to their room, Nathalie dried and brushed her hair and when she finished brushing, she put her pants and a pair of leggins on while Gabriel was trying to calm Charlotte down as she was still crying, Nathalie sat next to Gabriel on the bed and Gabriel passed Charlotte to Nathalie and Nathalie positioned her and once Charlotte was positioned, she started sucking Nathalie's breasts, once Charlotte had been fed Nathalie gave her to Gabriel and she started to clasp her bra around her breasts and she put a baggy shirt on.

Gabriel and Nathalie went to the bathroom as Charlotte was being a bit fussy and she was crying again so Nathalie was going to try and calm Charlotte down, while Gabriel was going to put Charlotte's diaper and clothes onto her, when Gabriel removed the towel from Charlotte body, Gabriel and Nathalie both noticed that Charlotte was coming down with a fever and that she was being fussy and she was uncomfortable, they also noticed a yellow discharge from were the stump use to be which had a really bad odour, her skin was red around were the stump use to be and when they touched her stomach she started crying, which was her way of indicating that it's tender and sore.

miraculous gabriel x Nathalie happily ever after Where stories live. Discover now