chapter 13

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Nathalie was now 5 months pregnant and had an appointment with her gynaecologist, when arriving at the hospital, they walked in to the doctors office and they were greeted by a young, male doctor.

The doctor asked Nathalie if she could go to the bathroom and empty out her bladder, so Nathalie went to the toilet and she felt relieved when emptying out her bladder as it seemed to get full very quickly, once she was done she flushed the toilet and then washed her hands thoroughly with soap, before returning back to the doctors office and taking a seat next to Gabriel.

Then the doctor asked Nathalie to undress herself and lay down on the bed, so he could do a vaginal ultrasound, to have a look at the embryo.

Gabriel helped Nathalie take her clothes off, Nathalie did the top half, taking her shirt off and unclasping her bra, while Gabriel did the bottom half, taking her trousers and pants off. Once Nathalie was completely naked, Gabriel helped her over to the bed, once Nathalie was laying down on the bed, Gabriel sat next to her.

The doctor inserted the probe into Nathalie's vagina and he started moving it around, Nathalie started to feel a slight pressure and discomfort, she squeezed Gabriel hand to indicate that she was in pain, Gabriel squeezed back, and he told her that "he'll be by her side forever", once the procedure was completed, the doctor took the probe out of Nathalie vagina. When Nathalie was cleaned up, she was only aloud to put her pants and bra back on, as she was about to have an abdominal ultrasound to find out her baby gender.

Nathalie put her bra back on and Gabriel helped her put her pants back on because she couldn't bend that far due to her pregnant stomach. She then layed back down on the bed with Gabriel still sat next to her.

The male doctor put some cold gel on Nathalie's stomach, which made Nathalie flinch, so Gabriel rubbed his hand up and down her arm to help calm her down. When the doctor finished doing the ultrasound, he grabbed some paper towels and wiped the gel of Nathalie's stomach.

When Nathalie got up from the bed, she put her shirt back on and Gabriel help her put her trousers on, so "congratulations, your having a girl" said the doctor Nathalie and Gabriel just gasped in excitement "thank you for everything you've done" replied Nathalie and Gabriel, then they passionately kissed each other on the lips and when they parted, the doctor said you may experience some light bleeding or cramping, but if it does happen, just take some ibuprofen to relieve the pain, thanks said Nathalie as they walked out of the hospital and headed towards the car.

Once they were at the car, Gabriel took the driver's seat while Nathalie took the passenger seat next to him. Gabriel started the engine as he drove the car back to the mansion, the ride back to the mansion was very quiet and Nathalie was leaning her head against the window and it made Gabriel feel, like something was wrong.

Are you ok Nathalie? it's just that you've been really quiet, Gabriel I had a vaginal ultrasound and an abdominal ultrasound and know, I'm cramping and it's really painful, I just want to take some ibuprofen and rest. I know sweetheart today was very painful and I'm sorry I can't get rid of your pain, but you know if I could, I would, but at least you only have to wait 4 more months till our little cherry is born.

Oh great, going in to labour and giving birth, is even more painful than a vaginal ultrasound and an abdominal ultrasound put together, not to mention breastfeeding and the bleeding that lasts for 6 weeks after you give birth.

They arrived at the mansion and Gabriel carried Nathalie up to their room, when Nathalie was laying down on the bed, she had some ibuprofen, which relieved the cramping and when Gabriel got in to bed with her, he asked if she was alright? I feel much better now thanks to the ibuprofen, but I still feel exhausted and I think we should both goto bed, so we can be well rested to decorate the nursery tomorrow, your right sweet dreams Nathalie, sweet dreams Gabriel then they both peaceful fell asleep

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