chapter 11

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Nathalie and Gabriel woke up and Nathalie felt her stomach churn, so she quickly raced to the bathroom with Gabriel hot on her tail. When Nathalie reached the bathroom she started throwing up yesterday's dinner, while she was throwing up Gabriel rubbed smooth circles on her back to sooth her, once Nathalie finished throwing up everything that was left in her stomach, she wiped her mouth clean, flushed the toilet and drank some water. Nathalie when was the last time you had your period? Nathalie tried to think as hard as she could, well to be honest I haven't had my period for a while now, maybe you should take a pregnancy test, I'll be in my office if you need me.

Gabriel was in his office doing some work, while Nathalie got dressed and drove to the shop and brought some pregnancy tests, before driving back to the mansion.
When she got to the mansion, she went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, peeing on the pregnancy test that she brought, while trying not to get any pee on her hands. When Nathalie finished taking the pregnancy test, she washed her hands thoroughly with soap and then waited for 2 minutes, to check her results.

It was positive, Nathalie was about 2 months pregnant and her and Gabriel are going to be parents. Nathalie walked into the office and asked Gabriel if he had a minute? Gabriel who was on his phone, looked up at Nathalie and he held his finger up, indicating her to wait a minute, is it ok if we finish our conversation later Jagged, it's just that I have an urgent matter to attend to right now! Thank you Jagged, speak to you later! Then he placed the phone in his pocket, as he walked to Nathalie.

Nathalie are you ok? Nathalie just stayed quiet and showed Gabriel the positive pregnancy test, so me and you are going to be parents, Nathalie nodded in agreement,
Yeah, I'm 2 months pregnant.
Gabriel smiled as wide as he could and then grabbed Nathalie by the waist and he started spinning her in the air, before bringing her back down to the ground and kissing her passionately on the lips.

So there's only one question left, how are we going to tell adrien that he's going to be a big brother? We could tell him during dinner Nathalie suggested, excellent idea Gabriel replied.

miraculous gabriel x Nathalie happily ever after Where stories live. Discover now