chapter 7

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The next day Gabriel was at work and he noticed that Nathalie wasn't in her office working ,which made him quite concerned as to where Nathalie could be?
Eventually Gabriel found her in their bedroom that they know share, ever since they confessed their love for each other.
Gabriel saw Nathalie lying down in bed hugging herself tight which caused Gabriel to worry.
Gabriel walked up to Nathalie and he started rubbing her back slowly and he started asking her if she's was alright?
Nathalie looked up at Gabriel, blushing.
Nathalie was slowly getting up, holding a hand on her tummy.
"G-Gabriel is nothing serious, is just something that happe- "She was interrupted by Gabriel "probably is not serious for you, but for me it's serious enough! I know your in pain, and I want to know why and how. Please dear!" Nathalie smiled, loving the way he was worried and caring for her.
"it's just some cramps Gabriel" Nathalie told him, patting his shoulder. what kind of cramps?? Are they caused from the damage miraculous that you use to use? Oh Nathalie I'm so sorry, she started laughing at him. Gabriel was confused, why she would do that? He was curious and worried for her health. Gabriel, the cramps are period cramps! I'm going to be okay, so please stop worrying. Then he realised and he blushed, looking down at the floor.
Gabriel felt kind of embarrassed because he didn't think about period cramps.
I'm sorry, I just didn't know or thinked about them, do you want some pills that can help with them or some chocolate? Gabriel said Hm, I already took some pills, but I would like some dark chocolate please Nathalie giggled, He loves her giggles. Already dear! We will watch a movie while eating some chocolate and popcorn. That sounds good? Nathalie nodded at him, so Gabriel and Nathalie were watching a movie called divergent on Netflix while eating chocolate and popcorn and embracing themselves into a cuddle as they were enjoying the warmth that they produced. when the movie ended Nathalie went into the bathroom to take some pills, even if they didn't really help that much with the cramps that she was having. She still took the pills and drank some water along with it, so she could rest easy tonight, hoping not to wake up in the middle of the night due to the cramps in her stomach.
Once Nathalie finished swallowing the pills, she went to the toilet to change her pad and brush her teeth. When she came out of the bathroom, she tucked herself into bed and Gabriel asked her if she felt any better? And Nathalie said I took some pills, so hopefully that will ease my cramps so I can sleep peacefully. I love you my dear, sweet Nathalie, I love you too Gabriel and then Gabriel gave Nathalie a passionate kiss on the lips as they both drifted of into dreamland.

miraculous gabriel x Nathalie happily ever after Where stories live. Discover now