Hurricane Katrina

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A/N: Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005 and was one of the deadliest hurricanes to hit and the people of New Orleans; my birth place, were devastated. This story does not take place in 2005 and this hurricane that will happen in the chapter is not the same hurricane Katrina that hit in 2005. It's a new hurricane but is called Katrina.

I included this in my story so some of you readers can know just how terrible Katrina was. I may not have gone through it because I was not yet born, but many of my loved ones, including my mother did. My heart goes out to the people whose family and friends lost their lives. It may have happened over a decade ago, but the people are still affected to this day.

Abby's POV

"You are not going surf those waves!" I yell, pulling JJ back by his hair. "Why not!" he yells, needing to yell due to the sound the wind is making. "Because it's fucking Katrina! It's a category five hurricane that will hit here nearly twice as hard as it hit New Orleans! You'll be lucky if you live through this in a fucking bunker let alone surfing! You aren't going!"

"How would you know?" he asks, grabbing his surfboard. "Look out!" I scream, knocking JJ to the ground. A piece of a roof comes flying at us, missing us by only a second. "That's why!"

"Get inside!" I yell, throwing JJ's surfboard up into the air, the wind taking it away. I grab his arm and run inside John B's place, shutting the door behind me. "Stay here and John B, make sure JJ stays here." John B nods his head. "Wait, where are you going?"

"Pope is stuck at fucking Walmart and needs me to pick him up. I'm taking him to my place so we can wait out this fucking hurricane," I answer, sliding my phone into my pocket. "Why are you so worked up about this hurricane? It's not like it's our first time going through one," JJ says, taking a seat on the couch. "I'm not," I answer. "I just don't want you idiots dying." I turn back around, facing them as I walk towards the door. "Board up these windows."

As I run outside, heading for my car, I'm immediately soaked in rain. "Mother fucker," I groan, opening my car door. Once I close my door, I take off my leather jacket, tossing it into the back of my car, leaving me in a pair of skinny jeans and a black spaghetti-strap undershirt. I press the radio button on my car, turning it on. "Call Pope," I announce into the device. "Calling Pope," my car says.

"Hey. Where are you, Abby?" Pope asks, his phone breaking up. "Just leaving John B's. I'll be there in a half hour or so with all the fucking traffic," I answer, pulling out of John B's. "Ok. Abby, make sure to-" The phone disconnects before he can finish his sentence. "Damn it!" I toss my phone onto the passenger seat. I turn on my windshield wipers, having the vision of Hellen Keller with all of this rain. I dodge a number of cars, getting stuck in traffic on multiple highways and freeways, and curse like a sailor as I try to get to Walmart. "Move!" I yell, honking my horn at the idiot in front of me. "Fucking move!" The idiot in front of me rolls down his window before sticking his head out. "Fuck you!"

"You wish, you product of a broken condom!" I put my car in reverse before backing up. I step on the gas after putting my car in drive, squeezing between two cars. I hold up my middle finger to the guy who was in front of me before driving past him.

As the road begins to clear, my anxiety calms down. The only cars on the road are behind me.

I reach over to the passenger seat, trying to grab my phone.

I slam on the breaks of my car as a large tree falls right in front of me, nearly hitting my car. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I yell, hitting my steering wheel. As I look out my window, I notice the storm picking up. "Fuck." I grab my phone before getting out of my car. I curse under my breath as I see how large the tree actually is. It would take a fucking forklift to get this shit out the way. I can't even fucking go around it.

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