"I'm coming for you"

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Before we start this chapter, I am going to introduce a new character who will be mentioned in this chapter.

Kai Olvera

20 years old

Ex-boyfriend to Abby Coleman

Son of the leader of the Spanish mafia

      A groan escapes my lips as I am awoken from my sleep by my phone

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A groan escapes my lips as I am awoken from my sleep by my phone. I rub my eyes before getting out of bed, grabbing my phone. I unlock it and see a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown number: I'm finally out Abby. I'm coming for you, baby.

Me: Who the fuck is this?

Unknown number: It's me sugar. You couldn't have forgotten me that quickly.

I blink and fall to my knees, my phone falling out of my hand and onto the ground next to me. Sugar. Kai's favorite name for me. Sugar.

"What are you doing, sugar?" a male voice asks from behind me. I jump up, pushing my journal under my bed. He sees this and walks towards me. "What is that?" he smiles.

"Nothing. It's a surprise. You can't see it. Not yet," I smile, batting my lashes. If I sound happy, he will think it's a surprise. He will believe me. His birthday is coming up soon anyway.

He smiles. "Birthday present?" I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe. You will have to wait to find out," I smile, placing a kiss on his cheek.

He smiles down at me. His smile quickly fades, and he wraps his hand around my throat, his cold rings leaving imprints in my skin. "I know when you are lying, sugar. Tell me the truth."

I open my mouth to speak, but mere wheezes come out because of how hard he is choking me. "Fine. I'll find out myself," he seethes, throwing me onto the ground.

He reaches under the bed, pulling out my journal, and flipping to the most recent written page. God, no. Please. "Kai stop," I caution, standing up. "Please, don't."

His eyes widen and his eyebrows raise as he reads what I was writing before he came in. "What the fuck is this!" he yells, throwing the journal at me, hitting my head.

Tears stream down my face before I can even register that I'm crying. "Baby, please. I-I didn't mean it. I swear." I drop to my knees, crawling over to him. "Please. I'll do anything. Please don't hurt me. I'm begging you."

I feel him grab me by my hair, pulling me to my feet. "I want you to read what you wrote and then I want you to tell me why the fuck I shouldn't punish you for what you did."

He grabs the journal and opens it to the page he was reading. "Read."

I slowly look down at the book but look back up, not wanting to do this. "Kai pl-" "Read it!" he yells, cutting me off. I jump at his tone. I suck in a deep breath before looking back down at the book.

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