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A week later

Abby's POV

I intake a deep breath before knocking on the front door of John B's house. I hear rustling inside the house before Kiara comes to the door. She rolls her eyes as she sees me and walks away before I can even say anything. "Let me in, damn it!" I yell, banging on the door.

"If I have to shoot this door off, I will! Open the damn door!" I yell. I pull my gun out and point it at the doorknob after a few seconds but remove my finger from the trigger when Pope comes into view. He gives me a sympathetic smile and opens the door. "They will kill me for this," he tells me. I smile at him. "Thank you."

"Thank me by explaining what the hell happened," he says, walking into the living room. I follow him and I see Kiara and JJ on the couch together. Sarah and John B sit at the table. When Kiara sees me, she curses Pope out, waving her arms around like an idiot as if it makes her points valid.

Pope ignores her, now knowing that it is best to just ignore Kiara to win an argument as she shuts up once she realizes that you aren't listening.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asks, redirecting her attention to me. "I came to explain," I answer, my voice softer than I wanted. "Explain what?" Kiara asks, raising her brows. She lets out a dry laugh. "Explain how you decided to have sex with the psychopath who tried to kill me? Tried to Kill Sarah. Tried to kill John B. Beat up Po-" "Don't speak for me," Pope cuts in. I glance at him and give him a small smile.

Kiara glares at him and opens her mouth to speak but I speak before she can. "Yes, I'm here to explain. But I can't explain with you running your mouth."

She scoffs. "You have got some fucking nerve. You are fucking a murderer."

"You think I don't know that?" I snarl. "You think I didn't feel guilty every single fucking day? You seem to forget that he tried to kill me too. Yet I still managed to forgive him," I sneer, glancing at Sarah. She stays quiet, knowing she has no room to talk when she forgave Rafe.

"You knew it was wrong yet you still did it?" Kiara scoffs. "Do you want to know why or do you just want to be an ignorant angry person who has no idea how to shut the fuck up?" I ask, my voice calm. Kiara always was the hardest one to get through to. No wonder her parents kicked her out.

"Am I the only one seeing a problem with this? Am I the only one who wants her gone?" she asks, looking back at the group. "Yes," Pope answers. "You seem to forget what he did to her. It was worse than what he did to any of us. Yes, she did some fucked up shit but you being a complete bitch isn't helping her feel better." That's the first time I heard Pope call someone that-

"We should feel bad for her after what she did?" JJ asks, agreeing with Kiara like always. "Yes," Sarah says, looking at JJ. "She is still our friend. We do not treat our friends like this. You seem to forget that."

"Oh, I'm sorry princess, did you say something?" JJ asks, ignoring Sarah. "Don't do that," Sarah snarls. "Yes, my dad and brother did shitty things, but I am not them. You do not get to treat me like that just because I am related to them. I am a pogue and you all know that. I chose you over my family, so you do not get to treat me like a kook princess."

JJ rolls his eyes but shuts up. "Of course, you're on her side. He's your brother," Kiara laughs, looking at Sarah. "My brother that I was ready to throw under the bus for the four of you so don't start," Sarah sneers.

Kiara continues laughing. "Nobody wants you here," she says, directing her attention back to me. "Nobody wants to hear your pathetic little love stor-" "I do," John B says, finally speaking.

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