Chapter 19

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I heard a loud shout and then I realized it was coming from me. The sound echoed on the distant hills and then I was up and battling the Hunters again, I was wounded, blood and sweat mixing on my face, I didn’t even recall where most of my injuries came from but I didn’t care. All I know was that I was filled with hatred.

Hatred for the Hunters who was the start of this all, hatred for the ignorance of other people and hatred for myself for letting this happen. I spent my rage on the Hunters, showing them no mercy.

I could see the faces of my dead family and friends in my mind. Everyone whose lives ended in the filthy hands of our enemies.

Then, I remembered Scianna.

Her empty eyes slowly turning sad.

The Hunters had used her against us and I hated them more for it.

Out of anger, I chopped one Hunter to half, he didn’t even have time to scream.

Then, I remembered my brother.


I couldn’t let him die.

I finished off my attacker with one blow to the head and run back to where I last saw him.

He wasn’t there anymore.

My eyes darted towards the ground, now bathed in blood.

Dead bodies were everywhere and the air stinks of death.

Was my brother already….


It couldn’t be.

The bodies were all adult size, it means he’s still alive, I consoled myself.

Then, out of nowhere I heard a familiar scream.

The same scream I heard years ago.

My eyes widened and I turned towards the sound afraid of what I might see.

I was just in time to witness the Hunter’s head fly and landed a few feet away from her body, the said Hunter was holding a sword, which was buried into Aunt Eunice’s neck.

My eyes widened and panicked attacked me.

This scene was just so familiar.

Already, I smelled smoke even though there was no fire.

One Hunter attacked me but I strike him on the chest, I was starting to feel nauseous but I fought against it.

Children of The  Moon  Chronicles: Echo (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now