Chapter 7

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The Hunters’ laughter echoed through the woods, judging from the sound of it, I’d say it that they’re just a couple of miles away from where I am. I lay on the branch of an oak tree, below me, the discarded bones and fur of a rabbit scattered on the ground. My meal had been far from satisfying but at least it will do for now.

So far, the Hunters had covered five miles in a day before stopping to rest. I could easily pinpoint their exact location since I could see the smoke from the fire they’ve made rising up to the sky. I haven’t made a fire of my own despite of the chilly weather for fear of discovery. The silence and solitude was new to me. This was the longest time I had ever been alone and it’s starting to eat on me.

I longed for company and many times I wondered if this was madness. What if I just turn back and tell the Pack what I’ve discovered? What if I just tell them that the Hunters had got Scianna and that she’s alive?

But my pride won’t let me go back. I’ve started this and I’m not going back until I have my sister with me and if I won’t succeed, then I’d rather die trying rather than back down. I look up into the sky, the sun had already set and the stars was out, in the distance, I could hear the hoot of an owl and the melodious singing of the Hunters, the faint tunes of a guitar reached my ears and sadness conquered me.

The sadness and fatigue mixed with fear of what’s to come made it easier for me to slip into the world of sleep where no worries will bother me. I was starting to drift into unconsciousness when I felt like someone was watching me. I opened my eyes and saw a grey falcon landing on a branch higher than where I’m reclining, a familiar grey falcon staring at me intently as if wanting to burn me with its eyes.

I frowned and called out uncertainly.

“Iyanna? Is that you?”

The falcon’s glare intensified.

“If it’s you then don’t attack me now, I’m trailing some Hunters, they’re with my sister and they might hear us.”

I told her relaxing back once more.

There was a slight rustling of leaves and when I look back, I saw Iyanna glaring down at me and before I could say anything she jumped down and kicked me off the tree.

I let out a hiss of pain as I landed on the hard ground, Iyanna jumped down and when I turned over, she punched me hard on the jaw.

“That’s for abandoning the Pack, you idiot!” She snarled.

“Ouch. Calm down, will you?” I calmly pushed her away before sitting up.

“What were you thinking? Leaving us alone, making Randall the leader of the Pack, he’s just a kid, you fool! Now, he needs to mind the Pack and take care of Maude as well? Have you got no sense?”

She said, her eyes flaring with every word.

I hushed her for fear of discovery by the Hunters, when she had calmed down a bit, I started explaining.

Children of The  Moon  Chronicles: Echo (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now