Chapter 12

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Out of sheer luck, we survived even though our food was scarce and our spirits were dampened by the gloomy truth that now hangs around us like a cloud, making even the sunniest of days feel cold and dreary.

The only thing that keeps me going was the thought of my sister. As for Iyanna, she was motivated by vengeance, I was scared for her. Scared of what she might do to herself and believe it or not, I was even scared for the Hunters. Iyanna is not very forgiving and I doubt if she’d listen to their pleas when the time comes.

Alex was still more or less the same, unreadable, jolly, forever grinning wolfishly. I don’t know what motivates him, my sister or revenge but I’d doubt that he’d try to stop Iyanna when that moment happens.

We were more careful now, going out at night, allowing the Hunters to advance for miles before we follow them. I don’t know if they knew that we’re still around.

But they were weary and careful too. They hadn’t attack us yet though they travel in huge numbers carrying an arsenal of weapons with them.

We were like wolves, circling each other, testing the opponents before pouncing.

I don’t know how long had we been following them and we’d left Caul days ago, or was it weeks? I’ve lost track of time. They headed north, we followed.

They seem to be recruiting more members, trying to convince people about our existence. At least, that seems like what they were trying to do. They don’t have much success though, some people think they’re crazy but they also managed to convince a few people, usually the ‘crazies’ of the place, the weird guy with fascination with supernatural creatures, the bible nut, screaming about hell and damnation and there’s also the adventurers.

It had start snowing. The snow made it harder for us to hunt for food, during the cold winter nights, we turned to stealing, we almost got caught at times, but I guess our luck hadn’t totally run out yet since we still haven’t got caught.

The police seem to have lost interest on bandits, the posters faded, the drawings, (which were not that accurate on the first place) faded. Once again, we were tramps and occasional thieves but not really worth the bother.

“We need to warn the Pack what they’re doing.” I told my two companions one night. We were on a shed, huddled against each other for warmth.

“How? We don’t know where they are right now.” Alex asked through chattering teeth.

“Maybe they’re still in Siltstone village.” I said.

“Or maybe not.” Iyanna retorted.

“We could send a signal, maybe they could hear it or just sense it despite of the distance.” I suggested.

“Scianna might hear our signal and she might tell the Hunters.” Alex said.

I didn’t respond. He was right, there’s a great possibility of that happening.

We still haven’t got a chance to take Scianna, she was heavily guarded and usually positioned in a place where we couldn’t reach her alive if we ever tried. They seem to be using her to convince people of our existence but they just show her to those who wouldn’t freak out much once she changed form.

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