Chapter Five:Breakfast Time.

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up the next day, seeing that the rest of the gang was passed out on the couch. I was puzzled though when I didn't see Louis anywhere. I got up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, going into the hallway to the bathroom when I saw Haven's bedroom door was open, she never left it open. I looked in her room and saw that Louis was on Haven's bed, his arms wrapped around her. Envy squeezed at my heart and jealously seemed to want to rip it apart.

I remember when I held Haven in my arms, feeling the way her heart sped up when my fingers brushed against her pulse as I held her hand. Louis started to get up and I quickly went in the bathroom, not wanting him to see me. I done my business and came back out, seeing that the others were awake, except for Haven.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked as I watched them start to go out to Louis' car.

"Going to get breakfast, you want to come mate?" Niall asked and Megan shot him a look, like she didn't want me to come along. But I also knew she didn't want me to stay here with Haven...alone. I had a reputation I was very...known for. Just the thought of it brought a smirk to my face, but I wiped that smirk off when Megan looked at me again.

"No thanks, I'll just stay here and eat something." I said as I started to head towards the kitchen. I heard the door shut and I looked in the fridge for anything I could make. I saw a carton of eggs and decided to make Haven one of her favorite breakfast foods, a ham and cheese omelet. I saw it was 9:20 and I decided to wake Haven up, I knew if I didn't she would sleep in all day. While I was waiting for the iye to heat up, I went in Haven's room and saw how peaceful she looked sleeping, causing a smile to fall onto my face.

"Haven, babe, wake up." I said as I shook her slightly. She groaned and opened her eyes. "Rise and shine, love." I said, a smile on my face. She rolled her eyes and turned her back to me. "Boy, you're not really a morning person, are you?" I asked.

"Not around you, I'm not." She said and I'll admit, her words hurt.

"C'mon Haven, I'm making you you're favorite breakfast food." I said and she turned back around to face me.

"Ham and cheese omelet?" She asked and I smiled. She got up and followed me into the kitchen, taking a seat at the breakfast table. I cooked the omelet and sat the plate in front of her, along with a glass of orange juice. She smiled at me and it made my heart race. I went back to the kitchen and started making bacon, surprised when Haven finished rather quickly. "You're done already?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I wanna help." Haven said and I smiled at her before I handed her the fork I was using to turn the bacon.

"Careful, the bacon grease can-." I started to warn Haven, but the grease popped out at her and got on her wrist. She quickly pulled her hand away and tried to rub her wrist, but I grabbed it before she could. "Don't do that." I told her before I pulled her over at the sink and turned the cold water on, running it over her wrist. I turned the water off and gently held her wrist in my hand, looking down at her. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?" I asked and before she could answer, Louis and the others came in the kitchen. I quickly let go of Haven's wrist and scratched the back of my head nervously...sure, that little thing between us just now was a little intimate and I didn't really like the gang catching us in this little scene, but it wasn't as intimate as what happened with Lou and Haven at the greenhouse in Wal-Mart...just thinking about it made me sick to my stomach.

I hated that I had to let go of her heart was still racing from the contact of our skin. Louis looked at me for a minute before he held a McDonald's bag up.

"You guys hungry?" He asked and Haven shook her head.

"Harry fixed me something, thanks though." She said before she got some ice out of the freezer and put it in a bag before placing it on her wrist. Louis saw this and quickly gave the bag to Niall before he went over to Haven. He gently grabbed her hand and looked up at her.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Bacon grease just popped out from the frying pan and hit my wrist." Haven explained and Louis took her in the living room, as if he thought it was my fault this happened. I sighed and finished making the bacon, cleaning up after I ate. I looked over at the gang in the living room and met Haven's eyes as she started to sit down, those green eyes that caused my heart to go into a frenzy....

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