Chapter Twenty-Six:Hospital.

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*Haven's POV*

I pulled away from Harry just when the door quickly opened and Liam came in.

"Haven, c'mon, we have to go to the hospital in Jackson." Liam said and I gave him a puzzled look.

"Why?" I asked and Liam looked nervous, unsure as if to tell me now.

"Louis was in a car wreck." Liam explained and I felt as my legs started to buckle from under me and Harry had to catch me. We all went out to the Harry's car and got in, hurrying to Jackson. We went inside and I went up to the front desk.

"What room is Louis Tomlinson in?" I asked the lady and she sighed, as if she was a normal thing for her. My anger grew as she slowly shuffled through the papers. "Would you hurry up?" I demanded and she glared at me.

"He's in surgery right now."

"Sorry...she just hasn't had much sleep. She's cranky." Zayn said as he pulled me away from the desk, his hands on my shoulders. I felt as my stomach twisted in knots, what if Louis wasn't okay, what if-. It hurt to think the worst. Harry came over to me and made me look at him.

"Haven, just breathe, okay?" He asked and he took deep breaths with me. "C'mon." He said as he lead me over to some seats.

"Niall, why are you thinking of food in a time like this!" Megan yelled as she followed after Niall who ran off towards the food court, causing Liam to follow after them and keep an eye on Niall. Zayn and Abbey came over to me and watched as Harry calmed me down.

"Zayn, can you go get Haven a Sprite for her stomach?" Harry asked and Zayn nodded before he ran off towards the food court. Zayn came back minutes later and he handed me the Sprite, I took it quickly and unscrewed the top, chugging it down quickly, trying to calm my nerves. My knee bounced up and down and Harry put his hand on my knee, trying his best to make me look at him.

"Hey, look at me. It'll be alright, Lou's gonna be fine." Harry said and I looked at Abbey for reassurance and she smiled at me.

"It'll be fine, Haven. Have you ever known for a surgery to go wrong here?" Abbey asked and I thought it over, shaking my head when I couldn't recall one. I looked down at the floor, recalling a memory from the other night when Louis went with me to my stepdad's grandmothers house with me for Halloween:

I smiled when I was greeted by my stepdad's family and they all started to talk to Louis, happy to meet my boyfriend. We sat in the living room and I watched as Kyle and Addison, two little cousins of mine started playing around in their costumes. Katlyn, my other cousin was trying to play with Kyle and Addison while Amanda, my 13 year old stepsitster tried to avoid Katiyln since she tried to copy everything Amanda did.

"I want kids." I thought aloud and Louis leaned his head back against the couch, acting as if he was tired.

"Not tonight, honey, I had a tough day at work, maybe tomorrow night." He said and smirked when I hit his chest.

"No dummy, I'm talking about when I get older, like 25 or something, I want to get married and have a family." I said and Louis smiled before scooting closer to me.

"Yeah? Could you see us like that someday?" He asked as he motioned over at Kyle's father, Brandon, who had picked Kyle up and Brandon's wife, Mary, who had picked Addison up and they smiled at each other before looking at Kyle and Addison, making the kids giggle. I looked back at Louis and he took his eyes off the married couple and looked back at me, interwining our hands.

"Yeah, I could actually." I said and the biggest smile lit Louis' face up. Louis pulled me closer to him and looked down at me.

"Good, because I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else besides you." He whispered before he kissed me gently, his words and lips sending sparks throughout my whole body.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I looked up to see a doctor come over to us, his face tired.

"Are you with Louis Tomlinson?" He asked as he reached us and we nodded before we stood up and I noticed Liam, Megan and Niall were back. The doctor sighed and I felt as my heart pounded in my chest. "I'm sorry....."

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