Chapter Twenty-Three:Gamestop Drama.

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*Haven's POV*

"Ooh, how about this one?" Megan asked me before she handed me a book and let me read the back. For us, books were like diamonds or something since good ones were so rare to find. That was one thing Megan and I had in common, love for books. I read the back and shook my head before I gave it back to Megan to put up and she gave me a look before she wacked me on the arm with the book. "You have horrible taste in books, missy! This sounds good." She said and I laughed, something I did a lot around Megan.

"Then get it." I told her and she held it, afraid I would probably snatch it away from her and put it back. We got the books we wanted and I texted Louis, letting him know we were about to go to Gamestop-if I could drag Megan along with me. I took her hand and started pulling, knowing she would slow down once she saw the Gamestop sign. And I was right. "Megan! C'mon! I don't wanna go in here by myself!"

"Make Niall go with you!" Megan said and Niall went ahead and went in and I huffed before I let go of Megan's hand and went inside, following Niall inside. I started looking at the games, hating that I was only one of the few girls in here. I started looking around more and bumped into someone..I looked up and saw it was Adam, yet again.

"Adam, what are you doing here?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"Actually, I work here." He said and I noticed his Gamestop uniform and I blushed a little, embarassed I hadn't noticed it sooner. I looked over and noticed Niall was talking on his cell phone.

"Niall, who are you talking to?" I asked just as soon as Niall hung up. He looked over at me and smiled a little, only this smile was a little nervous.

"Hmm? Oh, noone, just Simon calling to talk about the tour." Niall said smoothly before he looked at more games. I thought nothing of it later as I talked to Adam, until I felt someone drape their arm around my shoulder.

"Hi love, miss me?" I heard Louis ask as he looked down at me, a smile on his face, although I saw jealously flash in his eyes as they flickered over to Adam. "Hi...Adam, isn't it?" He asked and Adam only nodded.

"Harry, let me by!" Megan yelled from outside and she came in Gamestop. "Geez, blocking everyone's way for...." Megan mumbled as she came in, looking up to see Louis, Adam and I and I could tell she was about mentally facepalming herself, knowing she needed to help me get Louis away from Adam before he caused anything. "Louis, don't you have that important thing that we needed to discuss?" She asked and Louis shot her a puzzled look. She came over to Louis and took him by the back of the shirt. "C'mon, lover boy....," She said as she started to take Louis out of the store, "who is way too jealous right now." I heard her say under her breath.

I turned back to face Adam and shot him a nervous smile. "Sorry about that, um...that boyfriend, Louis." I told him and I saw a flash of emotion in his eyes, although I didn't know what it was. "And that girl was Megan, my yeah." I said and I turned and started to walk away, hating my nervousness...why was I nervous around Adam? This was so stupid, especially Louis' whole jealously thing, I didn't like Adam anymore...even though I was a little nervous being around him.., but no biggie, right?

"It's fine, Louis seems...protective of you." Adam said, choosing his words carefully.

"Yeah, he likes to look out for me." I said, smiling to myself as I remembered that's one of the reasons why I started to develop a crush on Louis. "Maybe, after I leave, you won't have any more 'Gamestop drama.'" I said, cringing at my own joke as I realized how stupid it sounded, but Adam actually chuckled.

"I don't know, I like having you around." He said as he smiled at me. I smiled back before I quickly left. Adam was just a friend...I loved Louis anyways.....

Torn -A Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles Love Triangle Story-Where stories live. Discover now