Chapter Fourteen:The Video.

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*Haven's POV*

Harry's lips met mine and I felt as he pushed me against the wall, his hands gripping my waist. I felt as my fingers buried in Harry's soft curls and-. Wait, no I wasn't supposed to be kissing Harry, this was bad, he cheated on me with Taylor, I should hate him. But it felt so good kissing him, the feel of his lips on mine..., the way his kiss entered my senses, his lips were all I could think about. Harry had always had this effect on me when we kissed and the feeling was just so familar...<3.

"I missed you." Harry whispered before he pressed his lips to mine once again.

*Louis' POV*

I got up, wondering what was taking Haven so long when I realized Harry had followed her in her room. Oh bloody hell, I hope he hadn't had enough time to have some 'alone' time with her. I slowly went towards Haven's room and the scene I saw shattered my heart, you could literally hear it shatter if you listened close enough.., the scene I saw was Harry and Haven, kissing. I felt as if someone had reached into my chest and pulled my heart out, showing it to me before they squeezed it, making the inside of my chest feel painful. Jealously rushed white-hot through my veins as Harry kept kissing Haven and he looked as if he had no intention of stopping anytime soon.

I left before they noticed I was there and got three beers out of the fridge before I went outside and started drinking them, sitting on the porch. I looked through my phone and saw an old video of Haven. I played it and started to watch it.

"Hi!" I said as I waved at the camera before I focused the camera on Haven. "Haven say hi." I said and Haven tried to hide her face.

"Lou no! I look horrible!" She said as she hid her face and looked through the music on her phone. I turned the camera back to face me and smiled a little.

"She's just shy. I think she looks amazing!" I said before I kissed her cheek, making her smile. She started playing a song on her phone and it was 'Somewhere in Neverland' by All Time Low. "'Wendy, we can get away, say the word and we'll find a way, I know I sound crazy, don't you see what you do to me. I wanna be you're lost boy, you're last chance, a better reality!" I sang to Haven before I focused the camera on her. "Did you like my singing, Haven?"

"No, it sucked." She said and I made an annoyed look at the camera before I tackled Haven, dropping my phone on the bed so all you could see were our feet, which were tangled together as she laughed. "Louis, stop that tickles!" She said and I could hear myself laughing.

"That's what you get for saying my singing sucked, Haven!" I heard myself exclaim. She giggled and I laughed a little. After a few minutes, I grabbed my phone and made it focus on both of us and we had messy hair from where I had tackled Haven. "Sorry about that delay, we made-out for a bit, pretty fun actually." I said, laughing softly when Haven hit my chest. The video ended and I felt something wet on my cheeks, and it wasn't rain.

I wiped my tears away, wishing Haven didn't have this effect on me. But you cry over the ones you're in love with, right?

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