Chapter Seventeen:Surprise.

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*Haven's POV*

I laid in my bed, shutting my eyes as I felt another headache coming on. I groaned just as my door opened and Louis came in/

"You look bloody awful, love." Louis said as he frowned and I rolled my eyes.

"You really know how to charm a girl, Lou." I said and I groaned again before I buried my head face-first in my pillow.

"Where do you keep Advil?" Louis asked and I pointed at my nightstand dresser. I heard him open it and tummage through it. He left the room and came back a few minutes later with some hot tea. He handed me the Advil and I took it, washing it down with the tea before I got up, swaying a little because of my dizzy spell.

"Love, what are you doing?" Louis asked, his expression worried.

"I'm getting a movie to watch." I explained as I got a DVD out of the piles I had on my dresser and got up on a chair so I could put the DVD in. I started to get off the chair and lost my footing. Suddenly, a pair of arms caught me and I wrapped my arms around their neck, seeing it was Louis, who had a stern look on his face. I laughed nervously and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Nice way to break something." Louis said, making me blush as his eyes trailed over me after he laid me down gently on my bed. He laid down beside me and tried to hold me close to him.

"Lou, no!" I'm sick." I told him as I swatted his hands away.

"So?" Louis said before he pulled me to him and I couldn't help but smile before I rested my head against Louis' chest, trying not to breathe on him so he wouldn't get sick or anything. "What movie are we watching?" He asked as he shifted a little, getting comfortable.

"Um...A Cinderella Story." I said, blushing when Louis rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm sorry, I like to watch a lot of my old movies whenever I'm sick or off school." I told Louis and he smiled.

"I think it's cute." Louis said before we both started to watch the movie. While we were watching the movie, I commented on how I always liked the part in the movie where Sam and Austin dance in the gazebo in the movie, seeing that Louis had a smile on his face and his blue eyes were shining, as if he was forming a plan in his head.

*Night of Zayn's Halloween Party*

*Harry's POV*

I arrived at Zayn's house and went inside, going over to talk to Liam and Niall who were dressed up as rockstars, along with Zayn. Niall saw me first and took in my outfit.

"Who are you supposed to be, mate?" Niall asked and Liam and Zayn also took in my outfit.

"Romeo." I told them and Megan rolled her eyes when she saw my outfit, hearing who I said I was.

"You only think you're Romeo." She said as she took a drink of her soda and pulled Niall with her out onto the dance-floor, leaving me to talk to Zayn, Liam and Abbey. A different song came on and I noticed a lot of people were looking over at the doorway, including the boys. Megan was looking too, a smile on her face. I turned around to see what the big deal was and saw Haven wearing a light blue ballroom dress on, her blond hair curled.

She looked amazing..., so amazing she took my breath away. I was about to go over to her when I saw Louis come from the doorway and he took Haven by the arm, a smile on his face. He was wearing a Prince Charming outfit, apparently Haven was Cinderella. They came over to us and Megan gave Haven a hug, a smile on her face.

"You look great!" She exclaimed and Haven smiled before pulling away. Haven saw me and giggled a little.

"Are you supposed to be Romeo?" She asked and I nodded, smiling. I tried to hide the fact that I found her breathtaking at the moment and that I would give anything to be in Louis' place right now....

*Haven's POV*

I talked to Megan and Abbey for a while before I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Louis, a smile on his charming face.

"I hate to take you away from your friends, babe, but I'd like a walk with you." Louis said, a slight blush redding his cheeks. I nodded my head and Louis took my hand, leading me out towards the door. I looked back and saw Megan and Abbey and they gave me a thumbs up, smiles on their faces. We went outside and Louis led me out to a gazebo that had white rose vines curling up the sides, light planted in the, small candles lit around the gazebo.

"Surprise...." Louis whispered in my ear. I looked back at him and he smiled a little, his blue eyes shining.

" did this..for me?" I asked, shocked when he nodded his head.

"I had a little help from some people." Louis said as he took me inside the gazebo.

"Why did you do this for me?" I asked as Louis looked down at me.

"Because I rememebered when you made me watch A Cinderella Story with you and you said you loved the part where Sam and Austin danced in the gazebo, so.... Considering you're Cinderella and I'm Prince Charming..., I thought you might like this." Louis confessed and I heard 'I'll Be' by Edwin McCain come on. I looked around and saw a CD player was sitting in a chair and Zayn had pressed the play button. I looked back at Louis and saw he had his hand held out, bowing slightly, causing me to giggle.

He took my hand and placed it on his shoulder, pulling me closer to him. He put his right hand on my back and intertwined our free hands. We swayed softly from side to side and all the playfulness in Louis' eyes vanished, the playfulness being replaced with something more serious. He twirled me around and despite my nervousness, it didn't feel werid dancing with Louis..., it felt...nice, familar. Louis held me closer to him, making both of us stop dancing and he looked down at me with those kind ocean blue eyes.

I heard him exhale slowly, despite the music still playing. He let go of my hand and placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb running across my skin. He leaned down towards me, his cool breath hitting my lips; even though my heart was pounding, I managed to say something.

"Louis...don't," I warned him and he sighed, his disappointed blue eyes looking down at me.

"Why not?" He whispered, afraid to say it any louder, afraid he would scare me off if he did.

"We can't be together." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Why the hell not? Haven, you know I wouldn't dare hurt you like he did, I wouldn't dare dream of causing you any dissapointment or heartbreak, I know you have it because of him." Louis said as he looked down at me, his eyes searching mine.

"Louis, I don't want to risk getting my heart broken again." I said and Louis cupped my face in his hands, wiping my tears away.

"Haven, I love more than just my best friend. Please just giver me a chance..., I know you've been dissappointed and heartbroken many times, but let me change that. Let me be more than just your best friend... we could be so good together and you know it. Let me try and give you a happily ever after, like one you've always told me you wanted." He whispered before he leaned down and closed the space between our lips.....

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