Chapter 53

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Nancy's P.O.V

"I can't believe it. It's here. The day we sell what dad built his whole life on is here." Nina shakes her head; ashamed.

I sigh. "Me neither, sis. Me neither."

"That's enough, girls. You don't have to remind me of what we're doing all the time. I know already. Let's just get this over with, so I can go cry my eyes out and beg Victor to forgive me. I don't want my last days on Earth to feel like hell; all in the name of punishment from your father." Mr Thompson exaggerates.

"No need for the hyperbole, Mr Thompson. Dad won't make the rest of your days hell, because he has no control over Earth. God does. Dad is resting in heaven, so let his name be. All we have to do is accept responsibility; especially for the other company." I say.

Nina nods in agreement. "Mhm..."

The telephone on the office meeting room table rings right after, making three of us exchange glances. Nina takes hold of it, placing it in her ear.

"Yes?... Oh... Okay?... Let the person in... Thank you, Josephine."

Josephine is the receptionist on the last floor by the way.

"What did she say?" I inquire.

Nina sighs. "She said someone is here. She said the person said we have an agreed appointment by ten. Sounds like our buyer."

I nod. "Okay, that's good."

From the corner of my eye, I see Mr Thompson shake his head sympathetically.

"What's wrong, sir?" I ask worriedly.

"It's just that I never thought I'd see this day - the day where all Victor and I worked so hard to accomplish goes to someone else's hands. I never saw it coming. I thought it will be passed from legacy to legacy -- that it would never leave this family's name." He chokes on a whimper.

I press my lips in a thin line, glancing at Nina, then back to him. I reach my hand out to his', offering a comforting squeeze. "None of us saw it coming. And I'm really sorry that this is happening. I really am; but there's nothing we can do about it being sold. However, there is something else we can do... We can get this over with, take the money and start up a new one that may even over throw this one. Don't loose hope and don't think too much about it, sir. It isn't good for your health."

He scoffs, choking on a snort. "My health, huh... My 'health' died a long time ago. What you're looking at is a sac of blood in flesh; not a human. Don't worry about me, Nancy. But thank you for trying."

"Right this way, Ma'am." We all hear someone's voice from behind us. We simultaneously turn our heads to see one of the assistant receptionist, Julia, directing in a woman; a beautiful woman. She's dressed formally; a red long sleeve shirt and a black pencil skirt with black heels. A moderate length. She decided on a red bone straight wig. I can tell it isn't fixed because of the frontal. It's styled perfectly though. Her choice of dressing is quite exquisite.

"Thank you dear." The woman who is yet to be identified greets Julia.

Hold up... The woman looks familiar. I can't place a finger on where exactly I've seen her face.

Julia nods as a sign of acknowledgement, exiting the room.


I snap my head to Nina, who has stood up from her seat, staring wide-eyed at the woman.

Does she know her?

"Oh, hello Nina. Long time no see." She catwalks her way to one of the seats, dragging it backwards and sitting down comfortably. "Shall we start?"

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