Character review/Epilogue

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A/N: I've pretty much done this before... I think that was a chapter before 34/33. I tittled it 'I have no idea on what to call this' or something along that line...

Instead of naming it that again, I decided on 'character review'. How's that 😃?

Alex Osemena: One of the many Entertainment reporters.

Nick Arthur: Former partner/investor in late Victor Rutherford's company - (that now belongs to someone else)🙂.

Dimitri Rutherford: Victor Rutherford's father; Nancy and Nina's grandfather.

Chisom Chimamanda: Manager of Children of God foundation.

Trump Chibuike: Manager of Next generation foundation; Anthony's friend.

Samantha Agbese: an orphan in Next Generation foundation that Nancy's fond of.

Christian: the rookie; new recruit in the police force.

Campbell: the officer handling Carlos's case (that is now missing).

Gregory: one of the staffs in Eat and Breathe.

Lucy: Anthony's niece.

Hunter: the (late) journalist that made the discovery on the shady history of Eat and Breathe.

Bethany: another actress in Nollywood.

Thomas: theatre designer.

Frida: one of the many actresses in the Nollywood industry.

Musa: Nina's gateman/ watch keeper.

Oscar: the guy that got cancelled from taking Joshua's role in my second (I don't know why I didn't put this in the first review😅. Guess I forgot about him).

Annabel Makinde: the woman that Nancy gifted money during her live stream.

Job Confidence: the man that Nina gifted money during her live stream.

Luke: the agent that helped Tory with his house.

Chris: Nina's producer.

Josephine: the receptionist in the company - Victor's former company.

Faith Akinkumi: another entertainment reporter.

John: fake psychiatrist.

Person working for the anonymous: Samuel, Nancy's driver.

Anonymous: ...

Writer: Marve.don 🤭🙈


After Cassius death, what happens next? Find out in book two now on my profile. Chapter update comes in a few days!


--- I know this is nothing like an epilogue, but I do not have the strength to give a synopsis on what's going to happen in book two. Y'all gotta find out yourselves by clicking on my profile 😜🤪.

Once again, thank you so much for supporting me to this point. I'm super grateful because going through the first 30 something chapters, my language was trash... I don't know how y'all read it. Thank you soooooo much! I honestly am grateful 💋❤️. Editing is still in progress.

Remember you can visit here when you have confusion about any character.


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